For many years I have written about the change that was coming. At times I felt like “the little boy who cried wolf!” Well, change has come!

Someone told me that they hadn’t realized that it would come so soon. Yet, the change hasn’t come suddenly. There were signs of its’ impeding approach for many years and it was clearly visible for anyone who was paying attention.

Unfortunately my friend, like many others, was not ready for the change. The readiness that I am referring to here is “spiritual readiness”. Many were not and are still not ready for change that would rock the foundation of their world, relationships and belief systems. This change has left many people without any solid ground to stand on. What they thought was stable and lasting was/is not.

In the process many have experienced overwhelming loss of many of those things and conditions that held great value in their lives . Perhaps the greatest loss that is being/has been experienced by many is the loss of self. Perhaps this loss is the one that will encourage us to seek and establish new definitions of “ourselves.”

Many definitions that we’ve given ourselves have been based on the life that we were living. Many of those definitions have changed along with how we think and feel about ourselves, these changes can have a tumultuous affect!

Many of the tools we have used in the past, affirmations, meditation, spiritual studies and practices no longer bring the result that were experienced before.

Why? Because many of the tools are still being done in the same old way…with our thoughts focused on past results. The past is truly gone; we now need to take our tools to the next level of our awareness. It is time to relinquish our past thoughts and behaviors and align with who we truly believe we are.

The steps to move smoothly through the changes that are around us are simple. You don’t need a college education, or to buy a book by someone who says they know how to transition into this new realm of being, all you need is a little willingness.

Step 1: Stop telling your story. Your story is a statement about who you think you are. Your story affirms the concrete evidence of what you are experencing now! What is believed to be concrete will not/can not change! The longer you tell this story the longer its results will continue in your life.
Is your story about loss, grief, sadness and pain? If so, it says that you are helpless, powerless, hopeless, angry and sick- is this who you want to be? Let go of your past self, get present, and experience the self you are now becoming!

Step 2: Be present! What is being present? It is a state of mind where there is silent awareness. It is a decision to only experience what is before you now moment by moment. In this place of being present, your mind is open to the infinite possibilities that are availabe for you right now.
Being present will take determination and persistence to accomplish because of the habitual mind chatter that many have allowed to dominate their thoughts.

Step 3: Affirm! Affirmations have lasting effects when they are said aloud and frequently! However, affirmations said once in a while is wasted energy! They should be said until you believe what you are affirming, rather than just wishing that what you are saying might really come true! Be present for and with your affirmations. Remember that giving and receiving are one! The law of attraction works whether the thoughts are positive or negative..and you will see the results. Be aware of your thoughts through out the day.

Step 4: Meditate! I have meditated for many years;meditation has allowed me to come to a present, quiet-mind state that resulted in more peace, clarity and sureness of direction. If you haven’t previously meditated then learn. If you do meditate than allow your meditation to extend beyond the bounds of your current practice. We are being asked now to incorporate that, present quiet-mind state even when we are moving about our environment and living our day.
Many of the previous belief’s about meditation only being accomplished under very narrow guidlines are wrong. Meditation can be a process of expanding and evolving beyond our current awareness.

Step 5: Be in harmony between belief and behavior. It is no longer enough to be contrite when our behavior and our beliefs are out of alignment. Our behaviour must be in harmony with what we say we believe. Saying words alone is meaningless unless you are willing to live the words, to become the words-in other words if you believe…then become that belief.

These steps if practiced with focused intent, will expand your spiritual readiness. You will be able to maintain peace, love, joy and prosperity despite what the world may be experiencing. You will arrive at a place within yourself, that knows that you are greater than any appearances.

This moment that we are each experiencing is a time for transforming ourselves to be light, love, peace and joy. This calls forth great celebrations for who we were created to be! We were not created to struggle and simply survive but were created to thrive prosperously , radiating the brilliance and beauty of our divine nature.

The decision is simple…will you remain the you of your past or are you willing to change your mind and become the you of now?

Author's Bio: 

Danielle has worked with hundreds of groups and individuals in experiencing the adventure of exploration of the new, exciting, and mystical. Danielle’s ability to consciously channel energy, as information and healing tonal sounds, has successfully assisted others with increased awareness, expanding untapped potential and opening doors to new creative experiences.

Danielle has been working actively with groups, across the United States, to assist in their inner growth for over twenty years. She is available for individual consultations and tonal healing.

Danielle has also helped to provide individuals with a wide range of opportunities to experience many different cultures. Her travels have included the heights of Mt. Shasta, the Andean ranges of Peru, and the fertile valleys of the Nile. She is a trained Nurse; also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and Sociology, Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan; a Doctorate Degree in Metaphysical Sciences, University of Metaphysics, Culver City, California.

She is the author of Spiritual Practice-An Open Door to God, and has also produced five cds: Meditation Made Easy, Meeting your Teachers and Guides, Creative Expression, Elohim and In Remembrance of God. To find our more about Danielle, please visit her website: