While my last article dealt with the causes and cure for vocal abuse, I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss the reason you must end this abuse as soon as possible. Simply put: where would you be without a voice? Whether you are suffering from discomfort, pain, or hoarseness to either your speaking or your singing voice, how much can you accomplish in life without this instrument?

Your vocal cords or vocal folds (as they are often referred to today) are a vital organ of your body. Without voice, your life would change dramatically. The problem with vocal abuse is that it will never resolve itself on its own. Yes, if you break your leg, the bone will eventually heal. If you have a cold, the symptoms will go away. If you are suffering from vocal abuse, however, it cannot physically be improved unless you change your manner of speaking or singing. Of course with singers, they often stop performing for a year. For the speaking voice, however, this is not feasible for most of us in either our professional or our personal lives.

While some people can yell or sing without support all day long with no problems, most of us cannot. The late Ethel Merman was renowned for being a Broadway Belter. She literally yelled on stage everyday without damage to her vocal apparatus.

On the other hand, Julie Andrews, a legitimate singer who used her voice properly, suffered permanent vocal abuse when she performed Victor, Victoria on Broadway for a year. Because of the damage Ms. Andrews incurred, she will never sing again.

Not surprising is the fact that many opera singers will not sing in full voice the day before their opening. Having practiced and rehearsed for several weeks (or months) in advance, they will ‘save’ their voice in that final rehearsal and not give it a complete workout.

Your voice is as individual to you as are your fingerprints; and, your vocal cords are a delicate organ. Even with good training, be it for the speaking voice or the singing voice, many people will find that there is still a limit to how far or for how long they can use it.

When you learn how to take the pressure off your vocal cords, however, you will discover greater endurance for your voice. Learn to breathe with support, use your chest to power your sound, and your vocal abuse will be no more.

Keep in mind that without correct voice placement, your vocal abuse will only continue. The question you must ask yourself is how much value do you place on your voice?

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group sessions in voice training and public speaking skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. For more information visit Voice Dynamic. Watch Nancy as she describes The Truth About Vocal Abuse by Clicking Here.

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