For you newbies now during in our exercise sessions we do not try to kill our bodies, and whatever exercises we find to hard we skip and come back to it on a different day when it comes back the following week or so. This program is for all of us people who got tired of never finding time to workout, but always finding more time for work, the family, the friends, etc. All the while we sacrifice our own health!! BUT NOT ANYMORE! O.K lets get started and remember it's very important to do all exercises in the order they are written, and try to stick to a 10 - 30 second break between exercises.
1. #1) Jog in place for 45 seconds ( not to hard but make sure you pick your knees up high as possible)
#2) Curls for 1 full minute ( use a phone book for starters, hold book waist high and bring it up to your nose , and back down to your waist, and repeat as many times possible for one minute )
#3) Jog in place for 2 minutes ( harder than your first one but still not to hard )
#4) Push-ups for 30 seconds ( do as many as you can do for 30 seconds , if you can only do them for ten seconds do them for the first and last 10 seconds )
#5) Jog in place for 3 minutes ( this time give all you got HARD )
#6) Sit-ups for 30 seconds ( lie down face up on a COUCH , without bending your knees come up as far as you can to touch your toes, now go back to the lay down position. Repeat as many times possible within those 30 seconds.)
#7) Jog in place for 2 minutes hard (give it all you got.)
#8) Curls for 1 full minute ( if using a phone book was to easy this time use a chair, but when doing curls with a chair , make sure the chair does not touch the floor until the full minute is over.)
#9) Jog in place for 1 minute hard ( give it all you have left.)
#10) Push-ups for one minute ( same rules apply if you must stop and go during this last minute it's O.K just give yourself a 15 - 30 second break during this last minute.)
DALE A. BROWN Business Owner,,,,

Author's Bio: 

Enjoying a really good workout everyday! And see some really good results.
Dale Brown ,