“The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man.” –Euripides

Balance is not a state or place we can get to. Balance is always in motion.

A ballerina trains and practices balance to be on point, a golfer balances his/her golf swing, a pilot keeps the aircraft balanced through all types of weather conditions. Each of these examples illustrate different areas where balance is required, however, each of the individuals have one fundamental characteristic. They are focused on an objective to get to a specific outcome.

Balance is a skill to be developed.

In today’s high-speed, frenzied world it is not easy to stay balanced. There are countless events and relationships competing for your attention. It is taking toll on one’s health, career and relationships. People seek out coaching and support because they are frustrated and can no longer take the stress. They are looking for balance in their lives because somehow, they got off track.

Balance is developed through choices and deciding who is driving the bus. Are you driving the bus or are your decisions based on spreading yourself too thin driving the bus?

Are you willing to experience new perspectives? If not, what can you expect as the world changes around you?

If yes, congratulations on going deeper down the rabbit hole of self-awareness.

“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” –Pablo Picasso

Here are some leadership balance questions to ponder:

* What does balance look like to you?

* Where do you want more balance?

* What difference would balance make in your leadership?

* If things stayed the same, what would it cost you?

* What or who is driving your leadership bus? Is it habit, self-limiting self-talk, routine, pressure from others?

* Pretend your life/career is in balance, what are you doing and who are you being? Use your imagination. At this point don’t worry about the how. Focus on what you want and the hows will come to you!

“Wealth stays with us a little moment if at all: only our characters are steadfast, not our gold.”—Euripides

Remember: Anything is Possible

Author's Bio: 

Theresa-Maria Napa, CPCC, LOACC is a certified personal and professional coach; founder of Right Track Coaching. Her talents have been strengthened through a variety of disciplines: Coaches Training Institute, Co-Active Leadership, Course in Miracles, Landmark, Coachpreneurs, CoachVille, Fashion Designer, Licensed Cosmetologist, VP of Marketing & Operations, Director of Marketing & Administration, Anthony Robbins, Stephen Covey, Now What authorized facilitator, Law of Attraction certified coach, Women in Film Chicago Board Member, NAWBO Membership Committee, small business owner, and more.

Theresa-Maria, takes her coaching to higher levels of impact with her understanding, compassion, and deliberate intention that each of her clients is distinctive in who they are and what they want to achieve. The testimonials at righttrackcoaching.com offer an insight to what her clients say about her style and what they accomplished during and after they were coached by T-M.

T-M loves to laugh, make a difference, as well as being the best she can be. She explores new possibilities and knows how to enjoy being in the now. Check out her programs at righttrackcoaching.com.