Each New Year that looms before has most of us pondering over the events of the past year. We think about what was good about it and what we wish that we could have changed.

As a Baby Boomer you want to make the most of the years that you still have in front of you while you’re still healthy and energetic enough to do the things you want to do. For sure change happens whether you want it or not, change is a part of life. Some things are out of our control but why let things just happen when there are some things that you can control. Maybe it’s time to stop putting off and go after the things you want in life!

It is up to you to take action if you want to experience positive change in your life. Thinking without action just won’t get the job done and it certainly won’t change the course of your life. If you want to change your life there are steps that you need to take.

Too many people become a victim of their circumstances when they could in fact pursue the type of change that they desire. If you want to make the New Year a good year it’s time to figure out what needs to change in your life. Crete an action plan and start taking steps to make the change you want a reality.

Old age comes way too soon and we cannot stop the clock but there are things that we can do to keep old age at bay. The majority of older people admit to feeling younger than their years, or at least feeling younger than they think they look. Most aging individuals say that most of the time when they look in the mirror the reflection that they see doesn’t match the way they feel.

So what can you do to stay younger longer? Always at the top of the list is a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating and exercise. It’s important to build strong bones and muscle to support us. Staying active, good sleep habits, quite smoking and excessive drink. Regular medical checkups are important so that if there is a health problem it can be caught and remedied before it becomes more serious. So many of us avoid the important appointments even when we think something isn’t right. Many have the attitude that what you don’t know won’t hurt you but this is so untrue.

Take good care of your teeth and eyes or you could end up regretting it later on. As well as treating your hair well with natural products if you are someone that has had the same hairstyle for way too long, try a new hair style, this can make a huge difference to your appearance. Don’t forget to take care of your skin. The face is usually one of the first places that age shows. There are a lot of options when it comes to skin care and this includes the men too. One of the up and coming popular treatments is red light therapy although it has been around for years it’s now more accessible to anyone that wants it as it is available for home use. Light therapy treatment can assist in maintaining younger looking skin offering many a more youthful appearance.

If you’ve let yourself become dated it will most likely make you look and feel older than needs be. The unfortunate thing is many people are so stuck in their ways that they are not aware of how dated they have become. If you are wearing spectacles or clothes from purchases you made years ago then it’s probably time for a mini make over which doesn’t have to cost a lot.

Most of us notice people around our age and wonder how come they look and act so much younger. A part of this is attitude and most of it is by paying attention to their needs, they make the effort to be the best person they can be.

Are you ready to make needed changes in your life? If you want to feel more fulfilled help others as well as yourself. Find the types of hobbies and interests that you know you would enjoy. Consider taking up a hobby that is fun or that you have a genuine interest in. Photography is a popular hobby, you may want to learn and master photography, play guitar or piano, even finally learn to paint. If you have a partner you may decide that you want to take up a hobby together, like learn to dance, play tennis or golf.

Having social interaction with others is very important to our emotional health so don’t stay in and live life on the internet get out in the real world. Even if things are not going well in your life right now there are usually ways to improve the situation even a little bit - you have to decide!

Author's Bio: 

Author Bio: Shirley Price is a trained as a life coach and in a number of other life enhancing skills. She is interested in the way people choose to live their life. Shirley has had adversity in her life just like anyone else. She believes that even though we have challenges and many setbacks through life, we have the choice to keep moving forward or stay stuck. Shirley is the publisher of a website for the over 50s http://www.lifebydesignover50.com