Sports injuries are something that every player, casual or professional, will face at least a few times. Though warming up and proper training keeps you a little off the risk, it is not entirely possible to prevent injuries when you are in the field. Discussed here are a few common sports injuries and their treatment options at Manhattan sports medicine center.
Shin splits
Shin splits are caused by either overuse, jumping or running on hard surfaces. They are common in individuals who are unaccustomed to training though professionals can also experience it under certain circumstances, for example, when they perform more concentrated speed work, switch to lighter shoes etc. A shin split causes pain in the muscles near the shin bones (the inner and thicker of the two bones of your leg between the ankle and knee) and there is bleeding around the bone lining. Your Manhattan sports medicine specialist may recommend a bone scan to rule out any possibilities of a stress fracture.
Commercial support arches provide quick relief from shin splits. More serious problems are treated using special orthotic devices at Manhattan sports medicine centers.
Achilles Tendinitis
The Achilles tendon, a large tendon that runs from the heel to the calf, transfers the force of muscle contractions to raise the heel. Overuse of this tendon that may occur due to excessive jumping for instance, may cause inflammation of the tendon. Achilles Tendinitis can cause severe pain that feels like a gunshot in the leg. If you experience pain when standing up, you must see a sports medicine specialist immediately.
Resting, ice packs, and anti-inflammatory medicine can help reduce swelling and pain. Toe exercises also help strengthen the injured area. Acute avulsion is a serious condition that Achilles Tendinitis can lead to, and it often requires surgical reattachment at Manhattan sports medicine center.
Muscle pull
A muscle pull can happen to any muscle in your body. It occurs when a severe, sudden force is exerted on a muscle causing the muscle fibers to stretch beyond their capacity. When only a few fibers tear, the condition is called a muscle pull. If most of the fibers tear, then that is a muscle tear.
Muscle overuse and fatigue are the most common reasons for a muscle pull. A fall or injury can also pull or tear muscles. Though it is not entirely possible to prevent a muscle pull, staying limber and exercising your muscles regularly can help reduce the severity of the injury and promote faster healing.
The first step in treating a muscle pull or tear is to put on an ice pack on the area and rest until swelling and pain subside. Ice relieves any spasm and relaxes the muscle. You may continue applying ice for a few days until the dull ache that a muscle pull causes, disappears.
Once your pain is under control, you can begin gentle stretching exercises with guidance from Manhattan sports medicine specialists. Overstretching can cause a pulled muscle to cramp. Unless the muscle fibers gradually re-lengthen, you may not be able to return to action. Otherwise, the muscle may pull again. Generally, calf muscles take a week’s time to go back to normalcy while a hamstring muscle may take over a month.
Ankle sprain
Ankle sprains mostly happen when your foot twists to the outside and thereby tears the ligaments. An ankle sprain can lead to swelling, throbbing, and black and blue discoloration around the injury on the outside.
When the ligaments only stretch, the condition is called a mild ankle sprain. When the ligaments and its fibers tear, it is a moderate sprain. Severe ankle sprains are caused when the ankle twists violently and tears all fibers. A broken ankle will not be able to bear weight.
Ankle sprains are commonly treated using the RICE method – rest, ice, elevation, and compression. These methods act together to control swelling and minimize internal bleeding. Once the pain becomes tolerable, you can begin strengthening, range-of-motion, and other balance training exercises.
Sports is a sheer pleasure for some, passion for others and for even many it is their profession or food for life. It is very much frustrating indeed to be held back from your favorite sport because of injuries. Manhattan sports medicine centers offer treatments for all types of sports injuries and help you get back to your usual routine in no time.

Author's Bio: 

Through his articles, youngrin wishes to inform and educate the readers about Manhattan sports medicine which will benefit those who are looking for useful information, For treatment log on to Manhattan sports medicine