Antibiotics are substances used to treat bacterial infections ranging from almost fatal diseases such as meningitis, the common problems such as acne and tonsillitis.

But antibiotics are not intended to cure diseases caused by viruses such as colds or flu. The antibiotics act by inhibiting the growth of bacteria (bacteriostatic antibiotic) or killing them (antibiotic bactericidal).

When bacteria develop the capacity to defend themselves against the effect of an antibiotic, it is said that acquired antibiotic resistance. Over the years, pathogenic bacteria - the disease-causing bacteria - have become resistant to many conventional antibiotics due to abuse or misuse of the same.

Some aspects to consider when prescribed by a physician is an antibiotic:

1. Even if you feel better, need to continue taking the antibiotic exactly as your doctor has prescribed. If you do not finish the antibiotics, some of the dangerous bacteria can not die, so you can get sick. Bacteria that are still alive may also become resistant and cause infection has become more difficult to treat.

2. Antibiotics are not as effective if not taken on time. As medicinal products remain in the body over a period of time, each dose is taken according to the doctor's instructions. Antibiotics irregular, allows to adapt the bacteria multiply and, increasing the problem of antibiotic resistance.

3. Take the antibiotic while another regular daily activities, such as meals, to help maintain the correct time.

4. You should never take antibiotics saved the rest, whether another person or his. Specific antibiotics are effective in combating specific bacteria and it is wrong to assume that the antibiotic of another person (or one of its antibiotics have saved from other diseases) will work. The antibiotic must always be taken to the end, except that the physician instructs to stop. Any remaining product should be returned to your pharmacy.

5. Colds and flu - and the accompanying symptoms such as sore throat, aches, chills, runny nose, inflamed eyes, and dry cough - are caused by viruses. Viral infections not responding to antibiotics. Antibiotics only help if the disease is caused by a bacterial infection. Taking antibiotics for colds or flu can increase the problem of antibiotic resistance.

6. Ask your doctor what to do if you feel better after a few days taking the antibiotic that has been prescribed.

If your doctor has prescribed an antibiotic, it is very important that take hours, as long as your doctor has advised, even if you feel better after a few days of treatment and never take someone else's antibiotics.

If antibiotics are not used properly, the weak bacteria are killed but the strongest, toughest, survive and multiply.

These resistant bacteria may cause infections that are very difficult to treat, which means that the antibiotics may not be as effective even when they are needed.

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At our directory of drugs you'll find more detailed information on what is now modern medicines used for treat infection. Description of the most popular antibiotics types (eg Tetracycline and Amoxil (Amoxicillin)) can be found on our website.