Competing Commitments may be getting in the way of following your dreams. You say you’re committed to achieving a certain goal, yet your actions say otherwise. What you say and what occurs are total opposites. Your actions speak louder than words.

Have you ever had this happen? Have you planned to change things in your life but the results don’t look at all like you expected? Things just seem to get in the way. Life’s just not fair! Why does everything happen to me?

Hmmmm, are you ready to face the truth or would it be easier to stay in victim mode?

One area to explore is Competing Commitments. No matter how committed you say you are to accomplishing something, if it doesn’t happen then another commitment is more important to you. The two opposite commitments are battling to see who comes out on top. The one that wins out is usually the one that’s easiest or is a known factor.

This may not be how you wanted it to turn out, but….

Results – often harsh, always fair.
Brian Klemmer

Since you control your own destiny, you have to take ownership of your actions or lack there of. Are you committed to being right or are you committed to creating something new and empowering? It all boils down to choice.

Let’s look at how to identify when you are experiencing Competing Commitments. Here are some emotions you may be feeling to justify your actions when these are showing up in your life:
• You have a fear of being conned
• You have a need for life to be “Fair:
• You blame circumstances
• You have a need for things to be “Reasonable”
• You have a need for more information
• You are concerned about what other people think

So now that you’ve identified when you’re dealing with Competing Commitments, what next? Well, again it’s your choice. The following steps can help bring balance to your life:
• Acknowledge you are experiencing Competing Commitments
• Explore and identify what you truly are committed to accomplishing
• Empower yourself to step through the block by taking action towards your dreams and goals
• Celebrate every win, no matter how small

To empower yourself and overcome a Competing Commitment:
• Design an Empowering Statement that contains 2-4 risky qualities that you want to become comfortable with. These are qualities that you don’t feel you have, but you want to have. They should move you forward in your personal growth. The qualities you build into this statement can be changed up as you build your confidence and discover new qualities that will move you forward.
o “I am a __________, _________, and _________ Man or Woman.” I’ll share mine with you. “I am a Beautiful, Courageous and Worthy Woman.”
• Repeat this statement at least twice a day or anytime you feel your confidence slipping. Speaking this while looking in the mirror is very empowering.
• Move people closer to you that will support you in living your statement and will hold you accountable. We all understand how important it is to surround yourself with people who encourage and believe in you.

Everyone has Competing Commitments showing up in their lives. Don’t berate yourself when you discover that these things have held you back from time to time. Now you have some tools to move forward through these. How you utilize them is totally up to you. Are you ready to live your life full out?

Changing your mind set does not change you.
It WILL change the results and experiences you are having in your life.
Here’s to new results and experiences!

Author's Bio: 

Val Wilcox is a Transitional Life Coach who specializes in Empowering Your Life’s Dreams. She will support you in navigating the transitions of Life’s interesting challenges and obstacles. Success has many faces and looks different to each and every one of us. Discovering your Life Passions unlocks the key to a better life.

With more than 10 years of experience in Leadership Development Training, Val brings a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to her coaching.

Val's newest EBook, Change Your Mindset ... Change Your Life is available through her website: