Are you scared of looking stupid in front of other people? Eliminate this fear now. Do not let negative thinking ruin your confidence and the quality of your life.How many times have you caught yourself thinking thoughts similar to these ones?

I look ugly today.
I will mess up this presentation.
I can’t do this.
Everyone will laugh at me if I say this and think that I am stupid.

Anything that you think automatically becomes accepted as a fact by your subconscious mind. This thought becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I know that you have probably heard about the power of your thoughts before but proof does exist that your thoughts have a massive effect on the way that your life will turn out.

Take the case of the man who was trapped in a freezer of a freight train. This proves this point in an awful but dramatic fashion. The man found himself locked in a freezer overnight and was convinced that he would not survive the ordeal. He was right. Unfortunately, he was indeed found dead in the morning. However, the sting in the tail was that the freezer was not even on. It had been switched off! Therefore the truth of the matter was that it was his thoughts which had killed him!

This illustrates the amazing power of your thoughts. So if you are thinking that you will look stupid in front of other people you probably will. However, you have the power to change this today. What you believe to be true and accept into your subconscious will become your reality and this is why it is it is essential that you learn how to control your thoughts. We need to learn to be aware of our negative self-talk and in order to challenge and question it. In this way, we can eject these negative thoughts and replace them with powerful positive thoughts that will enhance your life.

Author's Bio: 

Cheryl Smith is passionate about helping people to achieve their goals. However, sometimes we lack confidence or get into negative thinking patterns which prevent us from fully realising these dreams. For helpful information and a complimentary video about the best way to eliminate negative thinking visit