That's right! BELIEVE IN YOURESLF! Believe in yourself and your God-given abilities. No matter who or what you may be up against at present, believe in yourself and that you have what it takes to be triumphant in the end. Believe that you are worthy of God/Universe's assistance in everything.

If there is something you desire, believe in your self worth. Believe that you are worthy of receiving all that you desire, especially if it's for your Greater Good and the Greater Good of the world.

Believe in yourself for if you do not believe in yourself, who will? I have come to learn that the more we believe in ourselves, the more others come to believe in us and our abilities as well, and whether we desire this or not.

Belief in one's self come from triumph over obstacles, from experiences gained from life lessons, from one's accumulated knowledge and the application of that knowledge and which leads to desired outcomes and objectives; and from knowing one's self (especially the reasons why you are alive and on the planet, what you are here to do).

I reiterate, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Believe that you have the intelligence to figure out all of life's riddles. Believe that you have the strength, willpower, fortitude, and tenacity to persevere in all of your trials and tribulations (which are nothing but tests and opportunities).

Believe that you have the power of dynamic magnetism to attract everything you need and require for your life's existence and purpose. Believe that you have the love deep within self to give to another and which you would like to be reciprocated. Believe that you are loved and worthy to be loved.

Believe that all of your worldly needs and obligations are met.

Been eyeing someone for a while, some one you find attractive and can't stop thinking about? Approach the person and make yourself and feelings known. Believe in yourself and step to the person.

Is there a certain job position open that you really desire? Believe in yourself and GO FOR IT! Apply for that job or position. Don't make any excuses as to why you should not apply for the position. Just apply for it if you truly want it.

Want to stop working that corporate 9 to 5 and follow your heart? Believe in yourself that you can not only make it, but also be successful at following your heart's desire.

Believe that you are the best and you shall become the best. Believe that you are loved and you shall be loved. Believe that you are rich and wealthy and you shall be rich and wealthy. Believe that you are protected and you shall be protected. Believe that you are victorious and you shall be victorious.

Believe that you are powerful and you shall become powerful. Believe that you can be healed (from any disease) and you shall be healed. Believe that you are prosperous and you shall be prosperous. Believe you are provided for and you shall be provided for. Believe you can pass a test and you shall.

The word 'shall' is a very powerful word in the English language. In the field of law, the term 'shall' means 'mandatory.' You see, belief in a thing makes the physical manifestation of the thing mandatory. It's a law that the physical equivalent of a mental thing manifest itself.

Fighting city hall (government) and desire to win? Believe you can win and you shall win in accordance pursuant to Higher law. Oh, and it also helps to be on the side of righteousness in all matters dealing with the state (government) legally and knowing the facts about the law or laws.

You could perform many miracles in life if you would just believe in yourself.

The little seed of belief can grow and blossom into a giant tree of knowing. All belief is enhanced and magnified by knowledge. Start with belief and graduate into knowledge.

By all means or by any means necessary - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

Recommended reading: "Mental Science Manual" e-book, "Love Manual" e-book,
and "The Money, Wealth, and Prosperity Manual - Vol. 1" e-book.

Recommended product: Self-Confidence Inspirant and Creativity Elixir.

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of www.Dherbs.Com and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra.

Additional articles available @

Author's Bio: 

Djehuty Ma'at-Ra (pronounced "Ta-Hoo-Tee" "Ma-ayt-Ra") (born April 24, 1970 in Los Angeles, California) is an herbalist, metaphysician, writer, life guide coach and instructor, spiritual counselor, public speaker, thought minister, inspirational and motivational speaker, legal jurisperitus, and trans-crystal energy healer.

He is the founder and owner of, which he started in the Fall of 2003 in Glendale, California.