Tens of millions of people around the world have become totally addicted to porn. And science now shows that our brain changes when we constantly use something to get high— be it drugs or watching something on the internet.

Dopamine centers in the brain are trigged when a reward is offered and this area of the brain lights up on fMRI scans. And after awhile a person has to have whatever it is they crave. In fact, they can begin to hate porn but need porn just to have that rush of dopamine to feel somewhat normal. And the more they use porn, the more they become addicted to porn… and thus just like any drug they get hooked.

What we have going on now is very similar to what happened during the last days of the Roman Empire. Brothels were common and people went to them 2 or even 3 times a day to get a fix. They had to get high in order to function in society.

The only difference is now we go to the internet to get our fix. And this kind of addiction is not easily healed, but it is possible. It takes great fortitude and willpower to break free and become whole. There are many organizations that help people break free of porn addiction and individual counseling also helps. And with time and effort eventually a person can break free, it’s very similar to being an alcoholic and going to AA.

But one of the most important aspects of breaking free of any addiction is the Love of God, the Universe, and Great Spirit. To have great faith, to have a powerful knowing that Great Spirit is always with us.

Everything we do is to be done with love in mind. To take a drug or to watch porn is just the opposite of love… it actually degrades our brain physically and starts the spiral downfall of our life. So how can that be love?

To love ourselves is to eat wholesome food with love in mind, to exercise with love in mind, to meditate with love in mind, to pray with love in mind, to do our work with love in mind, to interact with our spouse, our relatives, and friends with love in mind, and everything else that we do is always to be done with love in mind.

Thus we always have God in mind.

Because God is Love and Love is God.

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share this Article - Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 30 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success”
You can also find Dr. Haider www.paulhaider.com feel free to contact him anytime.—my email is drpaulhaider@gmail.com
Here is a short video bio - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK6Eg-xlX3U