Everyone wants to buy a good computer. But what is a good computer? And which computer suits you best? These two questions can not be answered by me with one answer. You have to ask yourself a number of questions yourself in order to make the right choice. The first step is to determine what you are looking for, what are your wishes for your computer? As with all electronic devices, different types are available.

With a computer are the differences in the (computing) speed, the amount of storage space, the size of the computer, the resolution and the size of the screen, the number of connections, think of USB ports. The build quality, the amount of noise produced by the computer. And so I can still go on with all the differences between computers that are for sale.

Buy a good computer with 3 questions

So there are a lot of factors that you can take into account if you want to buy a good computer that fits you perfectly. To choose this right computer from the large computer offering you should definitely ask and answer the following 3 questions.

  • Where are you going to use the computer?
  • What do you want to do with the computer?
  • What is your budget?

Where are you going to use the computer?

The first question you have to ask is where you want to use the computer. If the new computer gets a place in the living room, it might be wise to purchase a nice computer that looks neat. Think of an all-in-one computer in which the computer is processed in the screen. But when the computer enters a study room, a desktop computer with a computer housing and separate cables for the monitor and other peripherals is a good choice.

It is also possible that you have no space at all for a computer at one permanent location. Then perhaps the choice for a portable computer is more logical. A very extensive range has been received in recent years. From a tablet (screen without a keyboard) to the familiar notebook & laptops and what's in between.

So first think carefully where the computer will be placed. And do not always choose directly for a portable computer. These are always more expensive than a desktop for the same performance. Because everything has to be smaller and more energy-efficient.

It may also be that you just want a computer that you can take anywhere. Then the choice for a lightweight portable computer is a good choice for you. And if you do not use a keyboard a lot on the road, a tablet is also worth considering.

What do you want to do with the computer?

The second question you have to ask is what you want to do with the new computer. For example, writing text documents or using the internet and sending e-mails? Edit photos and videos of the holiday. Or maybe you are also planning to use the computer as a game console on which you want to play the very latest games.

This choice has a big influence on what kind of computer you can best buy. If you want to play games then it is advisable to buy a computer with a powerful processor and video card. A computer to use the internet does not really need that and is a waste of your money.

What is your budget?

The last and perhaps most important question is how much money you want to spend. This is an important question to ask because money is the most defining aspect that leads to the choice of a new computer. You can still have so many wishes that the new computer has to meet, there must of course be money to purchase the best motherboard for gaming.

Experience shows that most people quickly exceed their budget. Therefore, do not choose your budget too low. But keep in mind that you are buying a computer that is focused on the future. For example, do not take the slowest processor, for example an Intel Celeron, because it will probably not be able to come with you in 3 years. You buy a computer at least for the next 5 years.

A realistic budget starts at $600. You can of course buy cheaper computers. But then you will always have to compromise. The manufacturer has always had to cut back on something in order to offer such a low price.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones