Cardiovascular Training: Why you should be exercising less

Ok, so I know this sounds weird right? Exercise less! Am I crazy! No, I'm actually just trying to prove a point here. I'm trying to prove that it isn't how much exercise you do that gives you results. What gives you results is what you do, not necessarily how much of it you do.

Iv seen this demonstrated in the gym many times. It is sad when I see someone spend countless hours in the gym and see no results. Then I see someone else spend half the time and get twice the results.

In fact, I had one client who was frustrated with her fat loss progress. She was 40ish lbs
overweight so she began to walk around her neighborhood to lose fat. But her progress stalled
so she walked more. Then it stalled again so again so she walked longer. I found out she was walking 3 hours a day. CAN YOU IMAGINE WALKING 3 HOURS PER DAY AND MAKING NO PROGRESS? Her body had adapted to the walking. The cardio protocol we use avoids this adaptation.

Exercising is like anything else in life. It doesn't matter how much time you spend on it if your approach is wrong.

This is why HITT cardiovascular training is so important. So what is HIIT Training? Good question...

HIIT training stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It’s designed with rest intervals to allow you to sprint harder for longer.

A good cardiovascular program should be short, interval intensity, and individually challenging. Preferably it should be under 30min.

This kind of training is many times more efficient and will give you the greatest results for your time investment.

When you do high intensity cardiovascular training your body is being trained both anaerobically and aerobically. This means that your muscles, as well as your cardiovascular system is being trained. This will cause an overload on your body and result in a metabolic boost that you wouldn't get with steady state cardio.

Sprinting is perhaps the best and easiest way to perform this style of training. But if you have injuries which prevent you from sprinting, pick something else and apply the same concept.

When you do HITT training, it is recommended that you do it about every other day. For some individuals, this kind of training may overload their bodies and lead to a burnout.

An example of HITT training program would be to sprint for a minute at 90% of your Maximum exertion or heart rate level and then to slow down for a minute and jog or walk. Alternating between these two variables for 5-20 minutes will prove to be very effective at fat loss. And very intense.

Another way to ensure you don't burnout is by doing HIIT training for about 8 weeks and then rest for a week. When you begin again, pick another method by changing one of the cardio FITT variables(Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type).

If you doubt this kind of training works, look at the difference in body type between sprinters and marathon runners. Clearly, most would agree that sprinters have nicer and more attractive bodies. Do you think sprinters ever run slowly around the track for 3 hours because they are worried about getting fat? No way. Sprinters use protocols similar to the HITT method and they know it works.

Author's Bio: 

David Mauntz is a leading expert in natural health and fitness. By focusing on four factors; nutrition, cardiovascular, commitment, and weight training, he has helped hundreds of people to atchieve stronger bodies, weight loss, and muscle toning.