Acne is a skin disease known to cause pimples to the infected person. Hair follicles under the skin usually clog up forming pimples. Acne is not serious but can cause acne scars. It is very common amongst young adults and teenagers. It is common to people whose skins are densely populated with sebaceous follicles on parts like the back, the upper chest parts, and the face. Severe acne manifests in inflammatory forms though acne can also be noninflammatory.

There are several factors have been established to play a key role in causing acne. Hormonal acne is as a result of Hormonal changes that occur during some stages, like those during teenage and pregnancy. For instance, testosterone, a hormone accrued by both genders at puberty years is known to cause acne. Some people argue that junk foods like chocolates and other greasy foods also cause acne but such have no effect on some people. Acne diminishes with time, and later disappears mostly by the age of 25. However, for some people this might take a longer time. Severe cases of inflammatory acne are referred to as cystic acne. These cases are accompanied by boils which appear at various parts of the body like the armpits or buttocks, and any other place where sweat can collect in hair follicles. Such boils are sometimes persisted and tend to take time before they are fully eliminated. This severe form of acne affects deeper skin tissues than normal acne.

Acné adultes (Adult acne) has other effects other than just the scarring and the mild pains. For instance, the disease affects the psychology of the victim, causing him/her to have reduced self-esteem. At the extreme cases, it can result to depression which can lead to suicide if not well managed.

Acne treatment is sometimes difficult depending on the severity but can be managed. Given that acne mostly occurs during adolescence, at this time the youths are very socially insecure and should therefore be treated very aggressively. This helps to reduce the overall long term effect of the same. Benzoyl peroxide is a good treatment of mild forms of acne. It is reduces mild side effects by working against P acnes bacteria. Other treatments can be used to prevent sunburns during treatment. A combination of drugs and creams can be used to treat acne. Most people prefer using skin friendly therapy.

Acne can leave scars which take very long time to disappear. To some people, it leaves ugly Boutons au visage (buttons on the face) which can only be removed through surgery or by use of therapy oils. One can choose to aggressively treat them, or wait for them to disappear naturally. When treating them, you can choose to leave some beauty buttons.

Author's Bio: 

Nelson Evens is the author of the article on Acne hormonal and acne treatment. His field of interest is health, beauty and acne. For more information visit: