People who suffer from social anxiety may find it difficult in controlling panic attacks in social situations. The treatments available include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and antidepressants, although unconventional methods such as self-help, acupuncture and hypnotherapy may also be considered. Most of us may feel a little apprehensive in situations such as; going on a first date, going to a social gathering where you don't know anyone, and introducing yourself in a new class. These experiences for social phobia sufferers are much more feared however.

These situations are likely to trigger anxiety symptoms which could lead to panic. Signs of anxiety can show such as; stammering, sweating, speaking fast, fidgeting and avoiding eye contact. Often social phobia and shyness arises from past negative experiences. Although this disorder is not life threatening it can have a detrimental affect to a person's quality of life.

In fact, it can have a serious impact to one's happiness and success. Negative behaviors such as self-denigration, excessive worrying, hesitation and lack of confidence, lead to un-fulfillment and underachievement. Children with social anxiety often underachieve at school and this pattern can continue to adult life. Sufferers are likely to miss opportunities in life such as relationships and jobs.

Diagnosed cases of social anxiety disorder are either treated with medication or therapy, or a combination of both. Other methods for coping with panic attacks and anxiety include lifestyle changes and self help techniques. Anxiety symptoms can start from fear and excessive worrying. When a person with social anxiety steps into a room full of strangers they begin having worrying thoughts about being nervous and looking nervous. Of course this can only trigger one thing, anxiety.

Having a self-centered perspective only intensifies the experience in a domino effect. Obsessive negative thoughts can be reconditioned or reduced over time, which can help relieve social anxiety dramatically. Using visualization techniques and positive statements can help do this. Also by pushing your boundaries day by day you can gradually become more comfortable to situations that you fear.

Increase your inner potential by reading books that help you grow and develop. Confidence is a habit that can be learnt. Reduce engaging in self-centered thoughts and worry. Observe others and realize that you're not being watched and learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Push yourself to speak to your colleagues more and make yourself more heard at work. Think of something that's interested you and go out and do it.

Get into the habit of thinking about something good several times a day. Practice breathing exercises daily to give yourself a break from stress and tension. When you feel anxious in any particular situation, begin to breathe deeply and count to ten. Reducing anxiety and controlling panic attacks through breathing can be surprisingly effective.

A relatively unheard self help technique, EFT has shown potential in controlling panic attacks. This simple technique works by unblocking energy flow in the body and implementing positive thoughts into the mind. This is achieved by rhythmically tapping on meridian points with fingertips. The important thing is to work on overcoming social anxiety everyday.

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