Creating a Success Habit Set for Long Term Sustainable Success
Long term sustainable Success is all about having a system that you apply in your life over time, until this new system for success becomes your new success habit set. Everyone that makes achieving their goals look simple and seems to succeed at everything they do is merely someone that has a great daily system or daily routine of success habits that they practice without much thought at all. These people seem to get ahead faster, are able accomplish far more, even though you seem to work far harder and you put in longer hours. The road to becoming one of these top achievers that makes achieving success look so easy is really simple. All that you need to do is invest time and effort into learning a system for success that works and then applying your willpower to turn this system into your new success habit set. This system I want you to learn and apply in your life has taken me more than 20 years to develop and refine. As you learn, practice and execute this system you will gradually learn to accomplish far more, earn more and be more, all without spending any more of your available time.
Inspiration is that fire in your belly that drives you to begin and to keep taking the necessary daily actions that will help you to realize all your dreams. Aligning your values with the success you desire and developing a success habit set are the catalysts that will help you to sustain your efforts and allow you to live a harmonious and balanced life. When you are in alignment with your values and you have created an ingrained success habit set to support you, you have the makings of creating and sustaining what will appear to be effortless success. This new set of daily routines or ingrained habits is what will keep you going even when that initial fire in your belly begins to burn out.
You will be introduced to the three simple concepts or new habits that will encourage success, balance and harmony in your life. You will be guided to gradually introduce these three new routines into your life. Once you have learnt and are applying these tools on a daily basis, you will have introduced three fundamental tools for long term sustainable success. You will carry out new daily routines almost on autopilot and most importantly you will have created daily time slots to work on your future. These activities will be measured regularly and tweaked until they deliver the desired outcomes. Bear in mind that once mastered, this approach can be used to create success in any area of your life.
Meeting Your Future
The first part of this system is to create time slots in your day, to carry out the activities that will move you along the path to success. We seem to go through our days doing plenty of things, feeling really busy, but by the end of every day we seem to have achieved very little. When you commit to introduce “Meetings with Your Future” into your life, you very quickly change this and you start to see remarkable progress toward achieving the success that you desire. This is your new success tool that is introduced into your daily routine to equip you with the time needed to carry out your inspired daily actions. This is time that you set aside every day to work on yourself and on your future. When you introduce “Meetings with Your Future” into your daily schedule you are teaching yourself to make time available to carry out the necessary daily activities to create the future that you desire. This is the time you make available every day to carry out the 5 daily activities or codes as described below. These are the almost insignificant daily actions that, compounded over time, allow you to create the future you desire, moment by moment, day by day, until they add up to the success you desire. Real long term sustainable success is not about huge effort carried out over a long period of time. It is about small almost insignificant actions performed indefinitely over the course of your life.
Scheduling meetings with your future is time that you schedule every day to devote to making a meaningful difference to the way your future will turn out. Choose to include this very simple tool into your daily schedule and make it an integral part of your success habit set. This will remove the illusion that there is no time available to work on exploring and exploiting your own potential. There are endless possibilities and opportunities all around you. Break free from the prison of perpetual ‘busyness’ and stop allowing yourself to be a victim of a perceived lack of time. Choose to introduce this system for time efficiency into your life. You will then have time available to perform those few small daily activities that will add up to massive success over time.
Code of Personal Achievement
This is a unique set of commitments or codes that you set for yourself every day, to carry out five activities that are aligned with the goals, you are trying to achieve. These activities when carried out daily will move you closer to the outcomes you want to achieve. They are the daily actions or tasks you are attempting to develop and turn into your new daily routines. These daily activities will over time turn into your success habit set.
Initially it will require willpower to carry out these very necessary daily activities. After about 46 – 66 days these activities will become entrenched habits. To ensure that you have the time and inclination to carry out these tasks, we have created the concept of daily “Meetings with your Future”. (See above). Once you have developed the habit of scheduling “Meetings with your Future” every day, to ensure that you have time to carry out these actions. You will have created a daily routine that will help you to build any new success habit set that you desire.
For example: If your goal was to improve your health.
You would choose five daily activities or “commitments to yourself” that would help you achieve this goal.
•Drink 2 litres of water
Exercise 30 minutes a day
•Eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day
•Cut down on fat intake
•Take multi vitamin daily
You will consciously carry out these five activities every day using your willpower to drive you, for 66 days, until they become entrenched habits. Current research has shown that it should take between 40 to 66 days for these activities to become entrenched habits. It will initially require discipline and willpower to carry out these activities but soon enough they will become ingrained habits and will become an integral part of your new success habit set. This is a tool that allows you to start developing a new daily routine that will ensure your success. This code or commitment you make with yourself, acts as a daily reminder for you to carry out activities that will help you learn new positive habits. Over time as you apply discipline to carry out these carefully chosen daily activities, or codes, you instil a new set of behaviours that eventually evolve into your new success habit set.
Performance Management System
Whatever gets measured gets done. The performance measurement system is designed to measure your performance on a daily, weekly, quarterly and annual basis. This system is designed not only to measure performance but it is also a way to celebrate success. When we constantly celebrate our successes, we are better equipped to remain inspired and driven to succeed.
It is not enough to merely have forward motion, where you are like a feather blowing in the wind. Yes, you are moving forward toward achieving your dreams, but at the first obstacle you become stuck and lose all impetus. This new success habit system will show you how to build momentum in your life as you work to achieve your goals. You must learn to feel and operate like a strong free flowing river, where you become virtually unstoppable. This is only achieved if you constantly measure your performance as you take action daily, to ensure that your activities are delivering the desired results. As long as your daily activities are achieving the outcomes you desire, you bring some of the most powerful forces into play namely momentum and compounding.

Author's Bio: 

I am an Entrepreneur, Master Teacher, Radio Host, Global Traveler and Author. My area of focus is in the field of human behavior, expanded awareness and enlightenment. I travel the planet constantly researching, learning and seeking ways to unlock the mysteries of the human mind. I delve into the inner workings of the universe, always looking for ways to understand my role in making things better and contributing to the improvement of the human experience.
I live an authentic and privileged life filled with love and gratitude. My mission and vision has been to gather, learn and apply as much wisdom and knowledge in my own life as possible. To this end I have been a voracious student, in the field of human behavior and human development.