Do you suffer from a phobia, anxiety panic attacks. If so are you looking to totally resolve it, then you have certainly come to the right place, Philip Monaghan is not just your average run of the mill hypnotherapist. Here at the Bolton Hypnotherapy Clinic we practice a very unique type of hypnotherapy known as Pure Hypnoanalysis. With this unique therapy you can expect to totally resolve your issues in as little as 8 to 12 sessions.

It doesn't matter if you have had your phobia, anxiety or panic attacks for a year, ten years, twenty years or forty years. You can completely resolve a phobia easily when you know how. It sometimes amazes me why people can spend many years struggling with their phobia without seeking help. Some clients that come for hypnotherapy treatment have had their phobia for many years. I am confident that I can help you find a permanent resolution.

Below are some common phobias I have treated here at the Bolton Hypnotherapy Clinic.

Emetophoba - fear of being sick, vomit
Social phobia - Fear of being judged
Coprophobia - fear of going to the loo
Aviatophobia - fear of flying
Odontophobia - fear of dentists
Aichmophobia - fear of needles
Glossophobia - fear of public speaking

If your phobia is not listed then please give me a call as I have successfully treated thousands of phobia.

Please see list of phobias at the bottom of this page.

More often then not people who have phobias tend to suffer anxiety or panic attacks these can feel very real.

Symptoms of an anxiety, panic attack
o Sudden intense anxiety or fear
o Dizziness or Nausea
o Heart pounding
o Sweating
o Shortness of breath
o Mind going 'blank'
o Sense of danger
o Trembling
o Chest tightness
o Fear of losing control

Just imagine what it would feel like to be free from your phobia, anxiety panic attacks.
Well now you can using this unique therapy Pure Hypnoanalysis. so lets go back and resolve all those issue. You will feel more confident more able to deal with life's ups and downs, feel free from your phobia for ever.

It is very important that from this very moment starting right now, to forget what you have read, heard or what any one has told you about your phobia. This will only reinforce your symptoms not make them better.

I will give you a full explanation of why I tell this to all my clients at your initial consultation.

So what is the secret?

Pure Hypnoanalysis
Fast effective treatment for phobias, anxiety & panic attacks

So what is Pure Hypnoanalysis?

So what is Pure Hypnoanalysis?

Pure Hypnoanalysis is the use of hypnosis and analytical techniques to uncover the underlying psychological emotional root cause of your symptoms. Pure Hypnoanalysis is for the treatment of emotional and psychological problems and is one of the most effective treatment in the world today. You can expect a remarkable outcome in as little as 12 sessions. Pure Hypnoanalysis is so unique in its approach in that it can really get to the root cause of your symptoms, the bottled up emotions from past events that are holding you back from living a happy, healthy and successful life that you deserve.

Pure Hypnoanalysis does not help you to understand why you think you have your symptoms. intellectualise about them or talk about your symptoms, all this would do is make your symptoms worse and reinforce them. How do I know this? well, with having 13 years experience of treating thousands of people with emotional and psychological issues, I have found one thing all these people have in common is their belief system. They all completely believe in their symptoms, They go for counseling, CBT, psychotherapy, or take medication. And what was the conclusion? of all this effort,. they still had their symptoms as all the treatments they under went only address what the therapist thinks is the cause of their symptoms.

When a client comes to me for treatment we don't actually reinforce their symptoms in fact we don't even need to talk about them. By talking about their symptoms they are actually keeping them alive, giving them substance trying to validate why they have them. Think about it, if they actually knew why they have their symptoms they wouldn't be sat in front of me.

All symptoms have an original root cause from an incident from a past event. Where the bottled up emotions was so over whelming that the emotion of the event was repressed locked away from the consciousness of the person. Meaning that the emotion connected to the incident were so deep rooted that you would not have any knowledge of that event. A sound a bit hard to believe doesn’t it? Well, let me tell you. Without exception out of all the thousands of clients I have treated they were all very surprised to find out that the reason they thought they had their symptoms wasn't' what they thought after all.

I know what you are thinking, so how do we get to these bottled up emotions. I provide a relaxing none judgmental environment, put you into a light hypnotic relaxed state and ask you to cast your mind back to past events. Linking one experience, emotion to another, we are talking about free association of experiences not me telling you what to think about. As the weeks go by we will come to the bottled up emotion from past events that are driving your symptoms now. As we get to the root cause for your symptoms, your symptoms resolve themselves as we get rid of the driving force, which are the repressed bottled up emotions.

Author Philip Monaghan DHP
Bolton Manchester Hypnotherapy Clinic

Author's Bio: 

Philip Monaghan aged 51 started his journey to self improvement over thirteen years ago studying hypnosis and psychology. Philip is not just your average run of the mill hypnotherapist. Philip practices a very unique type of hypnotherapy known as Pure Hypnoanalysis. Philip has over 12 year’s clinic experience in his field. He holds a qualification in Pure Hypnoanalysis which he gained in 1999 through the International Association of Pure Hypnoanalysis which is one of the largest organizations of its kind in Europe. Philip has trained with Neil French Europe’s top experts in hypno-analysis the founder of the IAPH 30 years ago, gaining his qualification from Neil who is now in retirement.
