Are you is a relationship crisis now? All you want to do is save your relationship when, somehow, somewhere down the road, your relationship hit a major road bump. If you need a relationship help, please continue reading.

If you're going through a relationship crisis right now, you are very likely confused.

It's expected to be a bumpy ride when one goes down the wrong road as your relationships are among the most important.

No matter how awful your crisis in relationship is going, always keep clarity.

Often, these crises in relationships are due to stress. Stress triggers negative emotions that can gradually weaken and worsen a relationship.

There are two necessary concepts that can save a couple, particularly if there's a crisis in their relationship.

You must practice acceptance during a crisis in relationship. This acceptance is accepting the real situation without exacerbating the pain and suffering.

For example, when you stub your toe when you wake up in the morning, it will hurt for a few moment but acceptance will make the pain subside quickly. Similar to everything in life, many trials and tribulations are experienced but by embracing the situation and accepting the reality of it, moving onward will be easier.

Does your partner say or do things that exacerbate the crisis in relationship?

If so, accept it and do not focus on it.

The more you will bring added suffering if the more you focus on what you don't want. You think more about what you focus on.

Thinking about something creates an emotion. Whatever you feel will cause your actions and your actions produce your behavior so, you're in charge of your reality.

Focus on what you want rather than don't want to turn a crisis in relationship around. Keep your focus on yourself.

Moreover, understand that your partner is their own separate human being and that they are not trying to harm you.

Don't be caught up in your own struggles in the relationship but your partner is also trying to find their own way to cope with the relationship crisis.

While it may appear like they're adding more flame to the fire, they are honestly trying to do their best.

Talk to your partner and keep in mind that they are human too with their own problems, pitfalls, fears and emotions. It's easy to fall into the me-vs-them mindset, but with a little understanding you and your partner can work through most problems without your relationship falling apart.

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If you found this helpful, please check out Girlfriend Wants a Break on the website No Contact Rule Works.