Money is in everyone’s thoughts. We have become slaves. To earn we do things we are not happy to do. We give up our comforts. We sacrifice. We become less of what we want to be and more of what we would rather not be. We loose our values. The search for money turns many into less beings.

Fathers have abandoned their kids. They are busy in the office. No money? Mothers have to take second jobs. Wives and husbands are strangers all in the search of money. Monday mornings are a drag. We have to go to that job for that boss to work with those colleagues and we just hate it.
Yet it is the oil of life. It moves things. You cannot eat, clothe or even live without it. It is life. It gets all the things we love. I know it cannot buy you happiness yet those things that bring you joy require some of it. It is important, critical and yet not easy to get.

Is it evil to want it? Is it devilish to have it? Is it Godly to lack? No! I say no. It must be good to have and evil to lack. Prosperity can breed charity. Wealth can be used for good. Comfort and happiness can be a result. So can one have it and be good? Can there be ways of earning it that results in a better world.

I believe so. I know so. You can earn it without giving up your values. You earn it working at what you love to do and not what you must do. You can choose who to work with. It is possible. So what will stop you?

Your mind will. You will stop you. No it is not you to blame. Your past is. You have been trained or is it conditioned a certain way. You have learnt it is not easy to earn money. So you have to make it difficult. You know it does grow on trees so you have to dig for it.

So, your good parents told you have to go to school and get a good job. You were supposed to get a medical care, retirement scheme etc. Sorry that ship has sailed, the catch words are retrenchment, downsizing, laying off, shutting down, and globalization. And puff there goes your retirement plan.

So what can one do? Thanks for asking. There is another way. You can unlearn. It will not be easy but it can be done. You will know that you are here on this earth to achieve a purpose. You will get to know that the pursuit of your purpose is fun and fulfilling. You will be all you can be and more.

Yes many before you have made it. You too can. Earning money can be a result of following your passion. It will be about adding value to life. You learn new skills you apply them and you make the cash. You live life per your terms.
Just one idea, turn that passion into life. They will pay you for doing what you love. Life is no longer a drag. You own it, you will live it at your own terms. Start the journey now…

Author's Bio: 

Moses Is Personal Finance trainer and coach, based in Nairobi, Kenya. His formal education is in Accountancy but has found his true calling in educating people from all walks of life in financial literacy, planning and freedom. He runs a blog at