I love food and I love life. I live for joy and enjoy eating. The day I stopped dieting and I started eating what I wanted and living to the fullest, was the day my weight stopped being an issue. I look forward to eating and enjoy every bite. I also enjoy moving and dancing and using my body. I love the feeling of health and life and love. I think about what I am going to eat from the time I get up until I take my last bite of the day. I live to eat and enjoy food and the pleasure of dining. I wonder who I am going to eat with, what new restaurants or recipes I want to try. I have fun traveling and eating around the world. I enjoy a variety of cuisines and love every minute of my meals. How sad that we live in a world where people feel that in order to lose weight, get healthy, prevent disease they have to deprive themselves of one of the greatest pleasures of life food and eating.

I love these quotes:

“Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale.”?Elsa Schiaparelli Italian designer (1890-1973)?

"Never fit a dress to the body but train the body to fit the dress"?- Elsa Schiaparelli –

The act of eating and dining out is a time not only to satisfy your own hunger, but to share an experience with others. At a time when the world is threatened by acts of terrorism and we live in fear, there needs to be a time when you can let go of fear, yet mealtimes are often the most fearful part of the day for many. Instead of enjoying food and the pleasure of eating, this time is often filled with guilt and fear.

My work with weight management and lifestyle change examines the underlying beliefs, philosophies, and motivations that affect our relationship to food and whether food becomes a pleasure for the body or a poison creating unhealth and unhealthy habits.

I ask my clients and readers four questions: What are you eating? What are you drinking? What are you doing? And What are you thinking?

Thinking is most important.

Author's Bio: 

(c) 2009 Mary Claybon RN, M.Ed.

My work with weight management and lifestyle change examines the underlying beliefs, philosophies, and motivations that affect our relationship to food and whether food becomes a pleasure for the body or a poison creating unhealth and unhealthy habits.

Thinking is most important.

Mary Claybon RN, M.Ed. is the Managing Member of Promoting Health: The Middle Way, LLC. She is a certified Wellness Coach and engaging Speaker. Mary works with professional women and men who are working on lifestyle changes and understand the importance of the mind/body thought connection to wellness. She promotes health from the inside out, working directly with her clients to identify their strengths and values in order to reach a vision. http://www.themiddlewayhealth.com.com