Here is a very simple experiment that anyone can try which allows one to see the power of love.

The other night my wife and I retired for the night and we were holding hands as we fell asleep. I woke up a little later and it came to me to start saying the name of God over and over again in my mind silently. Usually, I am not holdings hands with my wife when I do this so I didn’t think anything unusual would happen.

So I started to say my personal name of God in my mind and all of a sudden my wife moved a bit as though a bit of electrical energy ran through her.

I had not altered my breathing, I did not move at all, I did not do anything other than start saying the name of God over and over again in my mind. This response took me by surprise, I know that the name of God has great power but I wasn’t expecting this kind of reaction. So I tried it again and low and behold my wife did the same little jerk like she received a bit of energy. Still surprised I stopped saying the name of God and then resumed it to see if it happen again— and it did. I did this many times and noticed the same reaction consistently.

The next morning I told my wife about this and she was surprised but said, “Thank you for sending that wonderful healing energy my way”.

We take for granted that the name of God has power. We are told that the name of God, the Universe, and Great Spirit has power but we don’t notice it in our daily lives. It’s one thing to hear it from someone else, but totally another to experience it ourselves. And that’s why I recommend that people go out and experience the power of God, the Universe, and Great Spirit in their lives. Try a simple experiment, say the name of God over and over again and try different ways of expressing that power through our mind and body. Everyone needs to experiment and find that great power that lives within. To believe is not enough, one has to Know without a doubt that Great Spirit resides within their heart.

Experiment with your power of love in positive ways.

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share this Article - Dr. Paul Haider - Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist for over 30 years, You can find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, Wordpress Blog “Relax Into Success” and at feel free to contact him anytime.

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