The way Google and many other less important search algorithms, choose in which order sites appear in their search results, is to see how many site pages contain links to a specific site. The more links a site has, the more important it is going to be and certainly it will receive a better ranking in the search results. This is at the moment the key factor that defines what position a site page will obtain in the results page. There are a few extra factors, but this is really the most important factor that the majority of the search algorithms use today. PageRank provides a measure of how many incoming links a website has. Page-rank is an exponential scale between 0 - 10, so the higher the PageRank of a website, the more links it has from other internet pages.
Keywords: Choosing which phraces your site pages have to focus on, is certainly the most important decision you can take when starting search engine optimization. The goal of key-word research is to find out which terms will not only pass visitors to your site, but more significantly, pass targeted traffic to your website. Targeted traffic refers to the users that will make most sales as they will actually find exactly what they are looking for when they enter your website. Before you begin writing everywhere the first phrase that comes into your mind, it's good to start an in-depth investigation. Initially to understand how difficult it will be for you to get a good position for your phrases. Also you should look for the amount of internet users that use those keywords into the search engines. With this method, you can estimate the amount of traffic you can expect. In order to research your keywords you can use utilities like Overture, Adwords, Wordtracker, and many other free or paid programs. It's not hard at all to find them; the complex part is to discover the words that convert well for your specific site. Trial and error is the way that will help you one day eventually, if you are persistent enough to find the best recipe. A decent key-word research tool allows you to type a keyword and get other similar keywords that folks have searched for. Some applications display also the number of competitor sites there are for every keyword. This enables you to search for special words that do not have enormous antagonism while also creating targeted traffic to your website.
Body Text: The actual content, the body text of your web pages is a significant element of on-page optimization. To enhance your main text you should use your significant words very often, but be very cautious, for the reason that much more than a lot, is junk for the search engines. A decent analogy in most cases is 4-5% of all of the keywords on your site. It is also a good idea to use bold or italics for the reason that this will give additional weight to your keywords. An additional great practice is to place your important phrases as close to the beginning of your main text as possible and definitely on the first paragraph of text. Ideally the phrases that you try to target will appear first on your body text. So never exaggerate and use your important words very often. This is called keyword stuffing, and the search engines algorithms definitely don't like this at all. When you use over and over again the same keywords your website could eventually be penalized or banned. Finally, you should not use text which is exactly the same color as the background of your page (and it is not visible), or very small text because both of these methods are easily detectable and you may get penalized by algorithms or by humans that work for Google, Yahoo or any other search engine.

Author's Bio: 

Manolis Skoras has highly developed technical skills in problem identification and implementation of effective IT solutions. Comfortable with analyzing and understanding complex network and system environments, working under time pressure and with a proven track record in IT Consulting, IT Training, IT Project Management. Delivered more than 10.000 technical training hours.
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