When you’re disconnected from the Source of your life energy you may feel like you’re running on empty or you may experience imbalance. It’s time to draw from the Infinite Supply so you can experience more joy, peace and love and elevate your life to a higher level giving you more balance and control of your life. Infinite power is available at all times but you can only benefit from it when you know how to connect to and draw this experience into your personal reality.

The following 5 steps will guide you into this transformational experience.

Step #1 - Find a quiet place where you’ll not be disturbed. Release all tension and relax your mind and body. You need to spend time in quietness away from the noise of everyday living which tends to drain your energy supply. If you’re running on empty, how will you bring joy into your regular activities? How will you experience life from a fresh perspective?

Step #2 - Become conscious of the presence and energy of the Infinite Source within your inner being. We’re all connected to the Universal Source like trees are connected to the roots and need them to sustain life. Your connection to the Source of your life comes on a conscious level. And because of this consciousness we become awaken to the unlimited potential and power available to us.

Step #3 - Turn all of your thoughts, your attention within – look to the area of the solar plexus – the seat of your life energy. As you turn within focusing all your attention and energy to this limitless realm, you are making the connection and creating the mental avenue through which you can draw from the Infinite Supply to satisfy every area of your life.

Step #4 - Allow the energy of life to flow through in and through you. You are the river bed through which the river runs. When you allow this life-giving energy to flow freely, you’ll experience the refreshing life-force of God moving through your inner being and uplifting you.

Step #5 - If you desire more joy, become conscious of the joy within. Connect with that energy. If you desire more love, become conscious of the energy of love and allow it to energize you from within until you feel saturated and satisfied. Everybody’s experience may be different. I feel the warmth of love glowing within and as I continue to bask in this energy, the warmth grows hotter and I feel like fire burning within.

Your experience is unique to you. And as you allow these steps to become a way of life, you’ll be empowered within regardless of what situation you face.

Author's Bio: 

Life-changing inspirational writer, Alicia Isaacs, shares simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be and experience a transformed life. Get your free ebook, Changing Inside Out Now! The Power of Unconditional Love, and also receive access to more life-changing strategies at http://www.changinginsideoutnow.com.