It all stems from our first thought. In each and every primary impulse, resides the opportunity for discovery. These untouched seeds of thought and emotion stirring within have the power to reveal great insights, including answers to questions such as who we are as individuals, and what we have to offer the world.

As we make the choice to look closely, and find answers to important questions such as these, we become conscious players in the natural process of sprouting forth into the greatness of our own lives. As empowered citizens acting directly from and trusting our original impulses, we place ourselves in harmony with both our inner and outer worlds, ultimately finding ourselves perfectly placed in a world that we love, and that bears the fruit we desire.

We all want to know who we really are, and what we have to offer. In fact, the answers to these questions go hand in hand for most often we as humans feel most purposeful and sure of ourselves when we are in a helping role. Somewhere inside of us all, there is a desire; a need to give back; to contribute.

In this day in age, however, this basic human need of service lies dormant in many of us. We find ourselves hurrying about at the mercy of our hectic schedules not having enough time to enjoy friends and family, or to nurture our physical wellness or spiritual connection. Even fun and recreation get pushed aside as many of us find ourselves unable to meet even the demands of our own needs, let alone get out and serve our communities. Inherent in these cycling patterns of our lives, and through a serious lack of time, many of us feel deep down inside that something is missing. We feel out of touch with who we are, and lose touch with our original intention to play our part in creating a better world.

If this speaks to you, then today is your opportunity to catch yourself in your own cycling patterns that keep you treading full throttle on your hamster-wheel life. It’s time to look within, take a break, and to fully welcome a breath of fresh air into your daily rhythm. Take charge of your happiness, and look ahead to see what lays on the horizon for you based upon your current choices and momentum. Ask yourself some important questions.

Today’s Living Fully Life Tip is to make two choices right now. One that will affect your DAY in a positive way and one that will effect your LIFE in a positive way. Commit yourself to stick to both of them with the adherence of crazy glue! (Do this by repeating over and over, your new commitment until you feel it in your core) Pay attention to your first thought and if it feels right, it’s the one.

By making the choice to direct your energy into actions that benefit yourself and those who surround you, you choose fulfillment. For, in service to oneself lies the seed of service to the world. Give yourself two gifts today and see how the world responds to the new you.

You are well on your way and in the perfect place today!

Brodie Whitney
Living Fully Life Coaching

Author's Bio: 

Brodie Whitney is a youthful and dynamic lifecoach whose passion is to help people connect to their own passions in life. His ability to see the absolute best in people helps people to see the same in themselves, giving them the courage and the confidence to take charge of their life and live purposefully.

In his coaching practice, Living Fully Life Coaching, Brodie works one-on-one with individual clients to help clarify what they really want out of life. Brodie’s ability to empower people in their natural unfolding is one of his special gifts as a coach, and allows people to feel safe to express themselves authentically.

Brodie also offers self-designed seminars and workshops as an integral part of his coaching practice. Combining his skill as a lifecoach, actor, and public speaker, Brodie focuses on creating group experiences that bring out the best in people, and offer a fresh perspective on what is possible for everyone.