Men often want to know how to attract women and exactly what they should do on a date. It’s is also a good idea on the other hand to figure out what you should not do. There are tons of mistakes that men make just during a normal conversation with a girl. The sad part is that men don’t pick up on it most of the time.

Talking about an ex girlfriend. I have no clue why guys would do this, but they do. They feel that it is necessary to talk about an ex and how she used to be. Maybe it is to show the girl that he has had other women. It’s lame either way. She is into you, she wants to hear about you. Tell her about yourself and don’t sneak in things about your ex during the conversation.

Saying yes to everything. It might sound weird but women don’t like a guy that just says yes to everything that she asks. I know it’s backwards, but it’s true. When you say yes to everything, it basically shows her that you are willing to say yes just because you don’t want to screw up your chances of having sex with her. And believe me she knows that.

When she picks up on that, she will start asking you outlandish nonsense just to see if you will still be willing to do it. If you say yes, she will just lose any attraction that she had for you and just like that you have ruined your own chances.

This is why I say the things that men do to try and not ruin their chances with a girl are usually the exact same things that ruin their chances with the girl.

Not having an opinion. This is another big one that shows you have no backbone. In other words, you are not a man. You’re a boy. When a guy agrees with everything a girl says or doesn’t have an opinion, the girl wonders why. Why does he agree with everything I say? Is he just trying to not upset me? Whatever the reason is, she loses interest when that happens.

Being a know it all show off. We are all intelligent men, but we also know that it’s not necessary to force that knowledge onto other people. When a person uses the wrong word, do you really have to correct that person? The answer is almost always no, but a lot of men still do it. They do it because they want to feel superior to that person that made the mistake.

They want to show that they know more. And in the process they alienate the girl they are with. She doesn’t want a sexual relationship with her teacher. A guy that is constantly going to edit her when she gets her facts wrong. Not cool man. So don’t do it.

Treating the people serving you poorly. That person is a human being trying to make a living. When a guy has a bad attitude with the people serving him and his date, the girl gets really irritated with this. So remember to treat them like you want them to treat you.

Okay, so now you have a list of the few big mistakes that men make when they talk to women. Study it and learn from it.

Author's Bio: 

Jamie Tobin loves teaching men how to get beautiful women. If you think he can teach you something, go and check out what he has to offer over at Get A Girlfriend Fast