Many people have heard of vision boards or other visualization techniques to assist with realizing a goal. Today we have wonderful technology at our fingertips to add to the mix. The old ways have merit too, so read on and see five expanded ways to visualize successful completion of any project.

Create a PowerPoint -- Make a PowerPoint slide show of what success looks like. If your project is decorating a room of your house, you can find pictures from the Internet and create the look right in your PowerPoint slide show. Be creative and see the success you will create for yourself.

Make a "Trailer" -- Add music to your show and create a "trailer" like a movie trailer of your successful completion of the project. If you're writing a book, you can easily create a trailer as if the book is finished since you likely already know what it's about and how it ends. Watch the movie whenever you need motivation and inspiration.

Write about it -- Write the story of how you have achieved success or completed the project. You can write the characters just as if it was real and has already happened. Be very descriptive, and complete in your telling of the story. To help spark your imagination, pretend you are being interviewed by Oprah or your favorite news source.

Make a list – Include all the steps it will take to achieve successful completion of your project and each time you finish a step, mark it off. Keep the list someplace you can see a lot so that you can see how much closer you're getting to successful completion along with your favorite inspirational quote. My favorite is by Richard Bach, “You are never given a wish or dream without also being given the power to make it true.”

Meditate on it -- Meditation and prayer work to help you go into your mind's eye and see successful completion of your goal. Begin your day walking through each step to successful completion of your project, including the feeling of accomplishment and gratitude when it is done. At the end of the day repeat the process, or for that matter anytime you are stopped during the day.

What stops most people from making their goals and dreams a reality is not a lack of vision or desire, rather the lack of an existence structure to guide them. By putting your vision into some kind of existence structure, you too can turn your goals and dreams into reality.

Author's Bio: 

Award winning author, Debra J. Slover's leadership expertise stems from 18 years directing a state youth services program, experience organizing 20 state and national conferences, and running her own consulting firm for over six years. Her website is