Millions of people decide that the extra kilos have to make it again. Dietitians, waste gurus, and gyms jump eagerly into that good intentions and offer their services. Yet many wills after a few weeks give up and be reconciled somewhat frustrated with the increased body mass. Thus, the body becomes thicker year after year.

80% fail!

Diets work hard. Research shows that less than 20% of the people who diet actually lose weight permanently. That's little daunting. No wonder more and more people lament that all those good intentions still do not make sense.

But it can be different. One who really wants a lasting healthier and leaner body, he has to change his lifestyle. A diet is temporary and once that is over and people return to their old eating habits, so the lost weight comes back on. But a lifestyle is permanent. Who knows how to develop a healthy lifestyle, can be healthy, vital and slim without effort 12 months a year. How nice is that?

Vegetable does work

Almost everyone who eats vegetables, lose weight. "Almost," I say because sometimes herbivores lose weight very slowly. For example, anyone in the past or if the child has had heavy medication can have a significant disruption of hormones. Then, a more drastic detox may be in the form of a juice fast-cure are needed to lose substantial weight.

Dr. Neal Barnard describes a study he did at a company. Some of the employees changed their diet to vegetable, another part did not change anything. The group 'herbivores' had only to leave the animal products (so no meat, fish, dairy, eggs, etc), but otherwise they could eat what they want. So they did not have to workout.

Those who do not just leave the animal food, but also abundant fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes are food, will lose quickly and permanently overweight in most cases. Let me explain why that happens.

1. Less calories

Plant foods contain fewer calories per weight. This has various causes. For example, most of the energy in plant nutrition is provided by carbohydrates, while a large part of the energy from animal feed comes from fats. Provide carbohydrates only 4 kcal per gram, whereas 1 gram of fat provides 9 kcal - more than double so!

Also, contains plant foods high in fiber. Fibers are essential for our metabolism, but they contain virtually no calories. Animal foods moreover contain no fiber. Because of these fibers contains vegetable food again fewer calories per gram.

And finally, fresh plant foods also very watery. Think of fruit and vegetables; it is mainly water. This mineral-rich water is again essential to good health but has no calories.
All in all must be a plant eater eat a lot more weight and volume to get the same amount of calories. I even warn novice herbivores regularly enough to keep eating. The big advantage is that you do not need to eat less to lose weight. Usually, people can even eat more than they used to!

2. Dispose Toxins

Fruit and vegetables help with their abundance of minerals with the binding and removal of waste and toxins in our body. Thus the body gets more than before, the chance to get rid of waste. This has major implications for our health and for our weight. Read more at;

3. Accelerated metabolism

Vegetable and carbohydrate-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes will speed up your metabolism. Not only work faster and more effectively gut (e.g. by the fibers), but also will increase your energy level. All our body cells have sugars (carbohydrates) as fuel. Who this clean, natural carbohydrate consumes in the form of unrefined, water and high-fiber plant foods will easily feel vital and energetic. And who is energetic, move more and burn more.

4. The operation of fat

The primary fuel of our body is, as mentioned, sugar (carbohydrates). Although we burn fats and even proteins, carbohydrates are the most efficient fuel. Therefore, our body will store the fats that we eat first, just in case run out of carbohydrates. So whoever eats carbs and fats (and we all do!) Will primarily burn carbohydrates and storing fat.

Storing the fats from our diet takes our bodies virtually no effort. The fat cells are ready to pick up the fats. The conversion of carbohydrates into fat, however, is much more difficult and inefficient. Therefore, we will mainly come from the fats from our diet, not the carbs (as opposed to what many now argue!). Dr. John McDougall puts it this way: "The fat you eat is the fat you wear".

Therefore, I eat herbivores in carbohydrate and low in fat: vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, mushrooms, sprouts, etc. Definitely, fats are very essential for our health, but large quantities we do not need. Therefore, a plant eater that is moderate with nuts, avocados, and oils even lose weight faster.

What did you lose?

More than two and a half years ago I made the decision: it must be ended. I did not want to worry with my weight and my health. Frankly, I began as plant food diet. But it became my lifestyle. Now, 28 kilograms lighter and four marathons and one ultra-marathon later I'll love it. Plentiful and very tasty food, no calorie counting and meanwhile are healthy, vital and slim - who does not?

What did you lose? Give it a try and find out what makes a plant lifestyle with your body. Maybe in this year you got a turning point in your life.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones