Frugal Fall
You work so hard for your money, you want to make sure that you’re stretching is as far as it will go, while still living comfortably. When you examine your daily life, you may see excess spending here and there where you could easily cut back and still live a very comfortable life. Sometimes our expenses overlap and we end up paying way more than we should.
In each season, there are many different simple tasks you can do to save a little money and make your budget stretch even further. In the fall and winter many people anticipate higher heating costs and bigger expenses in their budgets. However, there are a few simple ways that you can cut back extra spending in your daily life to help with the anticipated increased costs. Here are 7 ways to streamline your budget this fall, and keep more money in your pocket.

Examine Your Cell Phone Bill

If you have ten thousand roll over minutes, call your provider and adjust your plan. They can decrease the amount of minutes you're given each month. You won't use them anyway, and it can cut your cell phone bill significantly. If you have a cell phone and a landline, consider dropping one of the services. Take into consideration your schedule and which one you really use more often. This can cut down on your bill significantly and help you avoid unnecessary bills.

Create a Budget

Know where your money is going. This is the best way to identify areas that are draining your cash. To figure out how much money to allot in each area, look at past spending habits. Once you have a budget, be disciplined and stick to it.

Cut Back Where You Can

Look for ways to keep costs down. Turn off lights in rooms you're not using to keep utility costs down, limit the amount of times you eat out during the week, try to keep your vacations cheap, and really identify needs versus wants at the grocery store and during other shopping trips. It may not seem like fun at first, but by making your money last you will feel more happiness in your financial freedom.

Update Car Insurance Information

Make sure you're not overpaying on your car insurance bill. Map out how far you drive to work, find the locations of your nearest fire stations or fire hydrants, see how many miles you've actually driven in the past year, and let the insurance companies take that accurate information into account for your premium. Frequently people overpay because they're not sure about a lot of the information listed above. Make sure your information is up to date and save yourself some money on insurance.

Keep Track of Your Grocery Bill

It can be so easy to get to the checkout at the grocery store, and be shocked when you see the total dollar amount. To avoid this shock, and to help keep yourself on budget, add up the items in your cart as you go. You don't need to get out your calculator, add the items up roughly in your head using whole dollars or half dollars just to get a rough idea. This will help you ensure you stay on budget and avoid splurging on unnecessary items.

Evaluate Monthly Subscription Services

Look at all of your monthly subscriptions, and decide if any of them can be cancelled. Do you really use your movie channel subscriptions? Consider cancelling any that are underused, or that are not absolute necessities. By doing this you will help prioritize your time and money in your life. You will feel more financial freedom by limiting unnecessary or overlapping purchases in your life.

Use Coupons or Coupon Codes

A lot of stores now a days have online coupons that you can use in store. I'm not talking about coupons for soup or breakfast cereal, but 20% off your entire purchase from regular retail stores. Don't make a purchase at a store without checking for online coupons first. As you're standing in the checkout line, google in-store coupons for that particular store, and see what comes up. It may not seem like significant savings at first, but all those discounts will add up and ultimately mean making your budget last that much longer.
You may also consider shopping online for items you use regularly like medications, cleaning products, paper products, and bulk food. Some products, like Dymista, are offered online with discounts that can add up significantly. Research the products you use regularly to see if they are offered online at discounted or lowered prices. Shopping online can add convenience and key discounts to help you stick to your budget.

Remember, every little bit of money saved can add up quickly. Make a realistic budget, try to cut down on unnecessary purchases, use coupons or coupon codes to help you stay on budget.

Author's Bio: 

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.