Learning how to approach women might sound like a difficult and painful process. It requires confidence, and the ability to be a smooth talker, to approach women, engage them in a friendly, interesting conversation, and get their phone number. If the thought of randomly approaching women and striking up conversations makes you feel nervous, I understand that this process can be hard at first, and I've been there myself.

What you must know is that your anxiety about getting rejected can be overcome, and it can be overcome simply and easily. If one of the reasons you're scared of approaching women is the fact that things can go wrong, then guess what? That's life, and things do go wrong! It doesn't matter though. The only thing that matters (at this stage) is that you have the confidence to approach women and begin an interaction, and you're learning how to talk to women in a much more effective way.

But the bottom line is, you've got to learn how to approach women if you're going to expand your social life and boost your dating life. I know that most guys are intimidated by the thought of approaching women, especially in public places. Most men would rather have a fight with a UFC champion than try to approach beautiful women. If you feel nervous, shy or even hesitant to approach women, then I suggest you start learning some specific techniques to help you approach women without hesitation or fear.

Practicing in the mirror, and performing some mental exercises, is one way to build up your confidence with approaching women. Talking to yourself in the mirror will allow you to see how you look and to build up the confidence you need to approach someone. When you become comfortable with yourself, you begin to project greater confidence to women.

For instance, you should practice walking up to women and asking them a genuine question. Your question could be if they know what time it is or if they know where the nearest McDonalds is. It's all about getting into the practice of approaching women in a natural, casual way - without anxiety or hesitation - so that when it's time for you to approach beautiful women and go for a phone number or a date, it will feel like no big deal.

I'm sure you've heard about pick up lines that will supposedly make a woman feel instantly horny. I don't recommend trying this as this is the fastest way to get a drink thrown into your face. But when you do approach a woman, you need to have no fear of rejection. One of the biggest hurdles you must overcome is conquering your "approach anxiety," and you can begin to do this by walking up to random girls and simply asking them a question.

If you can learn how not to be afraid of rejection, then you increase your chances of having success with women by a long shot. And by the way, when you're practicing this stuff, don't only practice on hot girls. You can ask a normal-looking woman where the nearest bank is or where the nearest grocery store is. You'd be amazed at the responses and some of these women will even start up conversations with you!

You should do whatever it takes to not be intimidated by women. Learn the methods that I'm about to show you in our book, and within 48 hours you'll be approaching women (even beautiful ones!) with confidence, charm and skill. Note: Our guide to approaching women is only available for a limited time, so be sure to download your copy now.

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