Also called Acne Inversa, Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin condition that affects most commonly adults between the ages of 20 to 40. It is more common in women than men, and symptoms worsen and ease depending on whether it is a flare-up or not. Those symptoms vary in severity but include pain, recurrent nodules that are like boils, abscesses, wounds that do not heal well, scarring, as well as the psychological impact of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Symptoms can only be managed, and one method some people with HS have success with is a balanced Hidradenitis Suppurativa diet.

A personal skin condition
This is quite a personal disease in how one person is impacted is not the same as everyone else. Just as symptoms can vary in where they appear and how severe they are, so too can triggers vary. This makes it especially hard when you have a new diagnosis and you are looking for those with experience to help you. What they have success with might not be as successful for you, or might have no impact at all. When looking at a Hidradenitis Suppurativa diet some find cutting back on dairy helps, others might suggest eliminating something else. All you can do is keep tweaking things,. If you come across a trigger, then deal with that, and carry on doing what you can to manage your symptoms.

What to do if you think you have food triggers
If you suspect you might have food triggers then it can help to know what are the common triggers and then work from there. Also, start a food diary so you can record everything you eat and drink and track anything that might trigger. Identifying and cutting foods out in your Hidradenitis Suppurativa diet is a slow process so be patient and stick with it and stay diligent! For somewhere to start look to cut out;

  • Sugary foods and refined carbs – reducing how much additional sugar you consume is a good move to make anyway for your general health, but it is also possible that the increase in insulin levels that causes can also be a trigger for HS
  • Processed foods – try to eat whole foods and avoid processed as much as you can
  • Stay hydrated – drinking lots of water is important
  • Avoid foods with brewer's yeast
  • Cut out dairy – milk, cream, ice-cream, cheese and so on

What you find becomes a successful Hidradenitis Suppurativa diet might not look exactly the same as another person with HS. The above diet tips are good for general health anyway. You will feel better in general with less sugar, refined foods and saturated fats in your system. But for some people with HS, eliminating some of these foods can help with the symptoms. For some a little, for some a great deal. Remember to make one change at a time so you know what is causing or not causing the reaction, then move on. With patience, you can achieve a new kind of lifestyle that leaves you feeling better.


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