Hypertension is affecting more and more people all the time. What are the risks of high blood pressure? Do you think that you might be at risk? High blood pressure has been called the silent killer, because you do not even know that you have it until it might be too late, and the damage is already done.

What are the causes of high blood pressure, and what can I do to prevent it from happening to me. A normal blood pressure is 120/80, and today you can go into any store that has a pharmacy, and get your blood pressure checked. You should start early in life getting yours checked. Make it part of your normal routine. Do not let it get out of control?

There are simple lifestyle choices that will protect you from getting hypertension. Even being 10 pounds overweight will make you a greater risk for rising blood pressure. Find a healthy diet plan and begin exercising, even going for daily walks, to keep your weight under control.

There was a time when young children spent most of their time playing outside, riding bikes, or walking and running from place to place. Our society is becoming more lazy, more tired, more overweight, more unhealthy, more used to watching others do sports, than participating in them ourselves.

Are you a couch potato? Do you spend hours in front of a computer? Do you snack on junk food while you are watching? If you do not take breaks with some form of exercise, you are a prime candidate for being overweight and raising your blood pressure. Do you eat to live, or live to eat?

Most of us want to feel well, and be healthy, but we seem to think that there is little connection to the foods we eat, and how we feel. How many people drink alcoholic beverages, knowing that it makes them feel badly, causes weight gain, and hypertension, yet they do it anyway?

How many people use tobacco, knowing that it causes coughing, cancer, emphysema, and overall bad feeling, yet still do it? Why are most people digging an early grave, or setting themselves up for a miserable later life.

Is there a conspiracy to make people unhealthy and hooked on prescription medicine? Once you start blood pressure medicine, you will probably never get off, and they have side effects that could cause you greater problems.

Is it not time for you to start preparing for your future? You are told to put away money for a rainy day, or have a financial plan for your retirement days, but how many people are told to start planning to be healthy to enjoy those retirement years.

There are some simple ways to stay away from high blood pressure, and the inevitable medicine you will have prescribed for you. Keep your alcohol intake to a minimum, never binge drink. Eliminate soda pop from your diet. Too much sugar not only causes weight gain, but other problems as well. Keep your salt intake equal with your potassium intake.

Being deficient in minerals, or having minerals out of balance will cause disease in your body. For young people, the easiest way to stop something is to never start it. Do not let peer pressure cause you to smoke or drink?

The more poisons you keep out of your body, the better chance you have of remaining healthy your entire life. I would rather die of old age, than some debilitating disease. How about you?

Author's Bio: 

Rick Carpenter has a blog called Richard Carpenter's Empower Network Blog. You can find information on making money online by using the Empower Network, along with information about natural health and bible studies.