Both Ayruveda and Homeopathy are considered to be fields in alternative treatment have unique philosophies and they each have a different approach to treatments. While homeopathy believes in influencing external as well as internal factors of the human body and mind to treat illnesses; Ayurveda is closer to what the world popularly calls naturopath treatment, which makes use of natural elements and products for the benefit of treating illnesses.

Philosophies of Treatment
Typically, Ayurveda as a discipline believes that three important components of the human body – wind, phlegm and bile influence an individual’s health. This science interlinks all human illnesses to an imbalance in one or more of these components. Ayurveda, over the years has been able to play a significant role in the field of paediatrics, surgery, internal medicine, toxicology, prevention modalities as well as treatment of psychiatric cases. This science has been also able to effectively facilitate enhancement of immunity levels.

On the other hand, the philosophy of Homeopathy is considered to be ‘vitalist’. They believe that there are a number of internal and external factors which disturb the vital forces of the human body and mind, which eventually influences the health of an individual. If you visit a Homeopath, you will notice that they will also take into account your psychological state of mind in addition to considering the physical aspect of your health. This discipline also follows the ‘Law of the Similar’ where it is believed that the best way to treat an individual off disease, one needs to use drugs which create the same symptoms as the disease.

History of Ayurveda and Homeopathy

You can find the roots of Ayurveda in old Indian Vedic texts such as the Atharvaveda. The first content on this discipline dates back all the way to the 4th century and is popularly known as the Bower Manuscript.

Homeopathy as a discipline was invented by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician from the late 18th century. His books on his research and remedies were published within the first decade of the 19th century after which this science of medicine gained popularity because of its non-invasive and side-effect free treatment modalities.

At the same time, this treatment also received some criticism which led to closing down of training schools propagating this form of medicine. Homeopathy as a field has come to become more popular in the recent times since the 1970s.

Preparation of Medicines

Ayurveda as a discipline makes use of natural products such as vegetables, minerals such as sulphur, copper, lead, gold, and animal products such as milk and other herbal products to create drugs. As a science it also promotes the significance of healthy living through regular yoga, exercise and meditation.

Homeopathy on the other hand, though also makes use of plant and animal extracts, and minerals; it also uses synthetic materials and prepared medicines by diluting the substances with distilled water or alcohol. This process is known as succession and is performed with the idea of passing the properties of the substance into the dilution.

One of the major reasons why these medial philosophies are regaining their recognition is because they are known to result in minimal or no side-effects at all. While most physicians will recommend the continuation of allopathic medicine for certain aggressive treatment requirements, if recommended by your medical expert, opting for one of these alternative therapies can also do patients some good.

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