Epididymitis is popular among adolescents. Clinically, adolescents are a group who are easy to get epididymitis. Acute epididymitis is characterized by acute onset, scrotal swelling and pain, and radiation to the groin and lower abdomen. When standing, the pain is aggravated, often accompanied by a high fever. When inflammation is severe, scrotum skin is edema, redness, and can form an abscess.

Chronic epididymitis is more common in clinical practice, mainly because it is not treated thoroughly in the acute stage. However, most patients have no history of an acute attack and are often accompanied by chronic prostatitis.

The epididymis is not only the site of sperm maturation but also the place of sperm storage. It has many physiological functions corresponding to sperm maturation and capacitation. The bacteria spread from the infected urine, prostate, posterior urethra, and seminal vesicle to epididymis through vas deferens. Patients, after prostate surgery and indwelling catheter, also are prone to epididymitis. And urination back to the vas deferens can also lead to epididymitis.

If adolescents have epididymitis repeatedly, the doctor should consider the possibility of ureter opening in the seminal vesicle. The common bacteria causing epididymitis are Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, gonococcus, and chlamydia.

If it is acute epididymitis, men need to pay attention to antibacterial treatment. It is usually necessary to choose antibiotics with high sensitivity according to the individual's physical condition. If you are not sure which is more sensitive, you can first try to use quinolones antibiotics. In the infusion treatment, at the same time, you also need to pay attention to rest, avoid walking around. And prevent the scrotum in a drooping state for a long time.

In addition, it can also cooperate with a cold compress in the early stage to avoid the penile erection for a long time. After the disease is under control, it needs to be combined with oral antibiotics for a while.

If it is chronic epididymitis, it is usually necessary to choose broad-spectrum antibiotics. Because the treatment cycle of chronic epididymitis is relatively long, and long-term use of antibiotics may produce drug resistance or bring some side effects to the body, so traditional Chinese medicine therapy is a good choice.

Especially when combined with prostatitis or seminal vesiculitis, herbal medicine, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can treat the disease simultaneously. And it prevents inflammation from spreading to other parts of the body, which affects the entire reproductive system.

Prevention of epididymitis

1. Pay attention to mental conditioning, keep a good mood, do not overwork.

2. Men should take part in sports properly to prevent cold.

3. Improve the diet structure and prevent the intake of high cholesterol food. Encourage to eat less "red meat" (refers to beef, sheep, and other meat with high cholesterol), eat more "white meat" (refers to chicken, fish, and other meat with low cholesterol). It has particular significance in preventing the occurrence of prostatic hyperplasia and epididymitis.

4. Have a regular life. Avoid holding urine. Keep defecation unobstructed.

5. Avoid spicy and stimulating products and alcohol to eliminate the source of endogenous damp heat. Men should also pay attention to avoid the lower body cold and other sympathetic excited induced dysuria.

6. Teenagers should develop good living habits, treat prepuce and phimosis in time, and prevent epididymitis. If they have epididymitis-related symptoms, they should be timely to the hospital for examination and treatment to avoid delay in treatment and cause male infertility.

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