There are many myths that you may have developed through your years of dieting attempts and struggles with your eating disorder. One such myth may be that your eating disorder is the source of your problems. When you believe this myth, you blame your weight on the things you see as failures in your life. So basically it come back down to the belief that you must be thin to be successful. So how has this myth been developed over time.

Many times we use our weight as an excuse to not engage in everyday activities. We begin to see our weight as the reason we cannot do the things in life that we may want to do. This can include everything from going to the beach to entering into a relationship. We avoid these situations because we become afraid of what people might say or think about us. We blame our eating disorder for not allowing us to partake in these activities. It holds us back from life.

Although you have worries about participating in these activities, it does not mean that being thin will automatically cure these worries. You have spent years avoiding these situations. You will not be able to automatically jump back into these activities. It will take time, practice, and support to begin living a full life again. It is about readjusting your thoughts about these situations, despite your size. Do this and get the most out of life.

Your eating disorder can also hold you back from loving yourself. When you have struggles within yourself, it is difficult to develop a positive self-image. Feeling negatively towards yourself can bring added stress to your life. This stress further promotes the negative thoughts you have about yourself.

You can begin to feel better about yourself by developing a set of positive mantras that can be said when you feel down. Find activities that make you happy. Begin to learn who you are as a person. This journey is not all about how much weight you have lost.

The non-diet approach to weight loss focuses on losing weight and facing the emotional and mental struggles that come with having an eating disorder. By changing your thinking, you can experience a life that you were always to afraid to try. Do not let yourself get bogged down with the negative; live life to the fullest, and love yourself and others.

Author's Bio: 

The above article is based on the book, "Winning Overeating" by Ofira Shaul. Ofira is a Naturopathy doctor. This experiential, self-development leader has devoted her life to finding the best natural way to obtain permanent weight loss while improving the total quality of your life. Her all-natural program does not require you to use any pills, count calories, or starve yourself.

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