
Terms like “Obesity” and “Over Weight” are creating a buzz these days. Now, it isn't a confined complication of any specified geography or demography. Indeed, it is a global health threat. If we observe the statistics released by the World Health Organization back in 2005, nearly 1.6 billion people who are aged 15+ are overweight and about 400 million individuals are obese. Figures stating that 20 million children became overweight are creating panic in the world. The implications of obesity can be a threat to life too. Also the experts believe if this trend is continued by 2015, Approximately 2.3 billion people will be suffering with overweight and around 700 million individuals will be obese.

Health Risks with Obesity

•If a person is obese, he may face many hazards which could include:
•Cardiac complications (strokes & Heart diseases)
•Diabetes (Type-2)
•Changes in blood pressure
•Various cancer’s like colon, breast, endometrial
•Problems related to respiration
•Liver gall bladder complications
•Gynecological Problems related to infertility and abnormal menses.

Its Causes

Causes of obesity are very simple. People consume higher caloric food than the required count. These unused calories are converted into fat. Initially turning them to have excess weight than the normal figures and then they fall into the trap of obesity. These days, individuals get access to cheap and the foods containing high calories which are marketed aggressively making them eager to have it.

Sedentary Lifestyle: The lifestyle and works aren’t much active as earlier. They get involved in much inactive stuff like browsing, watching television, playing video games etc. which are done by sitting only. Unhygienic food choices like

•Processed foods which are high in fat
•Consuming Lot of alcohol as it is high in calories and regular drinkers are usually overweight
•Instead of having food from home, trying the starters and buffet at the restaurant which can be high in calories.
•Many have a habit of watching Television while having food this can make to have larger portions than the usual meal.
•People tend to eat more when they attend any party or function. The friends or relative force them to put more in the plate can indulge them to face the hectic situation.
•Some families tend their children to run unhealthy eating habits which they learn from their parents.
•These days many are habituated to drive their vehicles or by taking public transport such as bus or taxi instead of walking for a short distance.


Many complain that even after many trials they fail to lose weight and often curse their body for carrying the obesity genes. It may be a partial truth that some traits of genes are inherited from the previous generation to their off springs. But it is not impossible to lose weight. A condition like Prader-Willi Syndrome is an exception where the individual cannot lose weight even with many trials.

By Medication:

Weight gain is possible by certain medications which include corticosteroids and anti-depressants. It may also be possible with the side effects of taking contraceptive pills.

How to know?

Generally a person who is physically active needs about 2500 calories per day and a woman needs 2000 calories. Having high caloric foods can exceed this limit and the extra is stored in the form of fat which is used by the body when it is required. Obesity is calculated in terms of BMI – Body Mass Index. WHO defines that the adults who fall between the metrics of 25 - 29.9 are considered as overweight and an adult who has BMI of 30 or more are concluded to be obese. People below 18.5 of BMI are under weight and between the BMI scales of 18.5 to 24.9 are healthy with no weight issues.


•Avoiding Over Eating
•Avoiding the high caloric foods
•Leaving sedentary lifestyle and being active
•Avoiding fast and junk foods
•Drinking minimum 2-3 liters of water
•Sticking to a specific diet plan
•Avoiding excessive smoking and liquor consumption
•Having peaceful sleep
•Regular walk can increase the burning of fat

Weight Loss By:

•Restricted and Balanced Diet Plans
•Regular Workouts which can burn the fat
•Trying supplements which are effective and have fewer side effects
•Negative caloric fruits such as apples, lemon, mango, orange, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, grape fruits are known to require more energy for digestion than the energy provided by them.

Weight Loss Supplements:

With the drastic increase in the rate of obesity, the requirement of weight loss supplements has increased. The market is flooded by a various supplements and aids which claim and promise for an effective weight loss. The supplements are naturally available and also existing in the form of products offered by various companies. Though many of these don’t have FDA approval, they are marketed as they not require any prescription. The qualities of an effective weight loss supplement are:

•Should be natural
•Should be economical
•Fewer side effects
•Risk free
•No weight regain
•Effective with less consumption
•Effective appetite suppressant
•Should increase the metabolism
•Safe to use
•Should not have medical interference

Though obesity is a global threat for health, it can be treated by picking various methods. People who are overweight and obese should not get depressed with the shorter results. Preparing them psychologically can have excellent results. Always trying for a long lasting and effective weight loss can make a person to lead a healthy and happy life.



Author's Bio: 

Linda Toril is a blogger and an article writer. She regular writes various articles on fitness, obesity, weight loss and about various weight loss supplements.