What exactly is subliminal perception? How does it affect our mind and behavior? The effect of the activities involved are said to be enough to make a person make a few dramatic changes in his life, with very little effort. Nevertheless, to what degree do these changes take place? By defining perception, we will get to understand it as the brain’s normal way to tap impressions in life from any form of information the environment may present to it. Therefore, the subliminal perception refers to the information the subconscious part of our brains attains. The interesting discovery made about it is the fact that the conscious mind does not realize the transfer of information from the environment to the subconscious.

For example, you would take some time and try to focus on the sounds in your environment that do not really register directly to your brain; you will notice that many of them take place without noticed. Some of them include car engine sounds from a far off, hooting from a distance, bird sounds, machinery, running, insects and the like. These cannot register in your brain in an instance, but the subconscious mind has been said to record most of these sounds, after which they are revealed mostly in form of dreams.

Poetzle, who developed test theories concerning the effects of stimulation of the subliminal dream concept, joined Freud, the person who discovered the presence of the subconscious part of our brains in the early 1900s. Both of these scientists discovered that there is a close relationship between the stimuli to this subliminal action and posthypnotic behavior. This is how they discovered that the effects of the perceptions caused by evoking the subliminal might actually have an effect to a person’s dreams much later into the future. After this, scientists engage in countless research studies concerning the subliminal perception of a person, and after some time, it was conclusive that the unconscious mind is actually influenced by the subliminal information fed to it. To add to this, it was discovered that it was an effective tool to changing our behavior, even without the conscious being aware of the activities.

Subliminal messages were also seen to have the ability to induce certain behavior in the society, for example, about a discovery that was made and published in the Times Magazine that in 1979. Department stores would hide these messages in the background music that it played so that it could reduce shoplifting and theft. The percentage of store theft decreased formidably, and saved many stores quite an amount of money. Such statements like “I am not a thief” and “I take pride in honesty” made quite a good impression on the sales reports, as most stores using subliminal technology experienced lower loss rates.

The idea of subliminal perception has also been used to lure customers in stores into buying. Marketers are constantly searching for new ways of hitting the subconscious with these images and voices. It has been working for over 100 years and will continue to do so for a long time.

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