Recently I’ve shown you how to get comformation product, mentorship, etc.

Today I’m going share with you three principles for a powerful close so that you can inspire on-the-spot action in your ideal clients—those people who are perfectly matched to you—without being salesy. You can give them everything they need to be able to make a decision on the spot, yes or no.

These 3 principles come directly from my Invisible Close Speak-to-Sell Formula™.

1. Focus on the outcome or transformation
When clients invest, they want the outcome, the transformation they’ll get from studying with you. How you will deliver that outcome is less important. So, when you’re presenting your irresistible offer, spend about 90% of the time focusing on what’s going to happen for them, and only about 10% on explaining how you’re going to deliver that, which means whether it’s a 3-day live event or five-call teleclass series, 10 CDs or a 120-page ebook.

And even when you’re sptable with “the close” —that last 15 minutes of your talk when you present your irresistible offer.

Your irresistible offer is an invitation to your ideal clients to invest in themselves through a deeper learning with you, whether that’s in a class, program, inforending your 10% on the service delivery, keep your focus on the transformation. So you might say, “During the five-week course you will be on live calls with me so you can get your questions answered.” You’re talking about the structure of the course, but you’re still focusing on the fact that they’ll be able to get the understanding they need.

2. Use limiters and be crystal clear about them.
Limiters are what actually make your offer irresistible to your ideal clients. They move them from “thinking about it” to taking action.

There are limiters of time, such as a special discounted price or a set of bonuses that are only good until the next break or today only. And there are also limiters of quantity, such as the first X number of people to invest get an extra bonus.

On a live stage, I suggest using both types and be crystal clear, repeating the limiters a few times. For instance, “Yes, I’ll be here for the whole three days and certainly this program is available, but the $1,000 off is only available during the next break. And the first 18 people to take action are also going to get my Get Booked Toolkit.”

3. Justify the limiter.
When you’re giving the limiter, you also want to give a reason for it, something true and authentic. For instance, “The special price is only good for the next break because Sarah, who’s hosting this event, has a huge lineup for you today and I want to support you in deciding if you’re in or you’re out so that you can be totally present for everything else that Sarah has to teach. You already know in your heart if this is right for you.”

As for quantity, I limit my Get Booked Toolkit for the first X people because it shows me who my action takers are. Let’s face it. The people who take decisive action on the offer tend to be the same people who will take decisive action when implementing my teachings. As a mentor, it’s important to know who those students are as they will be your biggest success stories and testimonials. And it’s okay to tell them the truth about that upfront. They know who they are!

To learn more principles for closing powerfully as well as how to craft your Signature Talk that you love and Irresistible Offers that sell, join us at my upcoming Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp Virtual Bootcamp.

Author's Bio: 

Sales-from-the-podium expert Lisa Sasevich has x-ray vision for seeing the sales opportunities that exist in every company, and the creativity to convert them into gold! If you're looking for simple, quick and easy ways to boost sales without spending a dime, get your FREE Sales Nuggets now at