There is a special way to finding that feeling of grace, it’s not about taking herbs, supplements, or even medications, there is a much simpler way— here is the process.

Let Go of The Outcome — Leave the outcome of all effort to God, the Universe, and Great Spirit. Why worry? Worry has never brought about a good end to anything. Just trust that God has your best interest at heart at all times. That which is all knowing already sees the outcome and knows where you are headed.

Let Go of Despair and Rejoice — Why despair? Breathe deep, and know that all your needs are met. All thinking that you need this or that is future thinking— it only creates despair. Live in there here and now, this moment is the only moment that exists. Rejoice that you are alive and able to do whatever you want with the power of choice.

Let Go of Negative Desires — Leave little to be desired because ego is the home of desire. Thus the more a person lives a very simple life with few desires the less pain and suffering he has throughout his life. Desire a simple life, desire to help others, desire to end suffering, these are powerful and positive desires— focus on them with great determination.

Surrender Completely to Him —- Like an ant looking up at a car passing by we have no clue what the ultimate outcome of life will be. Do your best and surrender completely to the will of God, the Universe, and Great Spirit. Be in awe of the expanse of the cosmos, we are but a speck of dust in the whirlwind of creation. It’s important to be humble yet at the same time be fearless and powerful.

See The Good in All Things has He Does — Even if terrible things take place in this lifetime see the good that will come from these events. Be not a person who dwells on all the bad. Wear a smile and look towards the sun, for a new day is coming which will lead you towards your destiny. For even a tragedy has a silver lining… know this and surrender to His will.

Accept God’s Grace — You have enjoyed peace and grace perhaps sitting in meditation, sitting in a park enjoying nature, sitting at the beach, or visiting the newborn area of a hospital. The trick is to extend those times to 24/7. Use the five steps above to immerse yourself in that grace all day long… and accept that grace as the most important aspect of your life.

Many Blessings to Everyone!

Dr. Paul Haider

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