Periodontal disease is the most frequent oral illness among people in the United States. It's so widespread that if you're over 30, there's a 50% chance you already have it.

Gingivitis, or mild gum inflammation, is the first stage of gum disease. If left untreated, the disease worsens, causing your teeth to loosen. Your teeth may eventually fall out.

The good news is that periodontal disease can be controlled. Knowing how to identify the symptoms of this condition will help you protect your smile.

Telltale signs of periodontal disease
Gums protect your jaw and tooth roots. Healthy gums aid in the retention of your teeth and the prevention of harmful germs. Strong oral hygiene keeps your teeth and gums clean, but periodontal disease can develop if you don't brush and floss regularly.

Some of the most common symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis are as follows.

1. Bleeding gums
Healthy gums do not bleed, but periodontal disease can make them more sensitive. If you detect bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, or during routine dental cleanings, it could be a sign of periodontal disease.

2. Puffy gums
Puffy gums are another visible indicator of periodontal disease. Bacteria on your teeth can infect and inflame the surrounding gum tissue. Gums in good health are pink, but periodontal disease can turn them red, swollen, and sensitive.

3. Receding gum line
Gum tissue may begin to tear away from your teeth if you have periodontal disease. Your gums should be snug around the base of your teeth, but inflammation can cause them to recede, exposing too much of your tooth roots.

4. Bad breath
Halitosis, or chronic bad breath, could be an indication of periodontal disease. Excessive bacteria buildup on teeth and under gums can result in bad breath or poor taste in your mouth.

5. Tooth sensitivity
Receding gums and other periodontal disease symptoms might make your teeth feel sensitive. One of the most prominent symptoms of tooth sensitivity is pain when ingesting hot, cold, or sweet foods or beverages. You may also experience pain during biting or chewing, regardless of the warmth of the food.

6. Loose teeth
Periodontal disease can cause teeth to become loose in their sockets as it advances. You may see a loose tooth or the indicators may be very subtle. Teeth that are gradually loosening can shift in your mouth, affecting the way your teeth fit together when you bite down.

Prevent periodontal disease
The only way to find out for sure if you have periodontist disease is to visit a periodontist. Still, you can prevent periodontal disease by keeping good oral hygiene. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. For more protection, use a fluoride mouthwash.

Visit our office for routine dental cleanings in addition to at-home care. Everyone should have their homes professionally cleaned once or twice a year. If you discover indications of gum disease between appointments, don't put it off.

We provide personalized therapies to prevent periodontal disease and potentially reverse some of the damage it causes. There is a procedure available to help you keep your teeth and smile.

Treatments for gum disease
There are several gum disease therapies available, depending on the stage of the disease, how you've responded to previous treatments, and your overall health:
- Professional dental cleaning.
- Scaling and root planning.
- Medications.
- Surgical treatments.

If the tissue around your teeth is unhealthy and cannot be healed nonsurgically, you may require surgery, like:
- Flap surgery/pocket reduction surgery.
- Bone grafts.
- Soft tissue grafts.
- Guided tissue regeneration.
- Bone surgery.

Consult with your periodontist if you think you may require more intensive treatment.

Author's Bio: 

I am Amelia Grant, a journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care, wellness, and other advice that may be helpful for people. Being an enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle that keeps improving my life, I wish the same for everyone.

Our attention to ourselves, to our daily routine and habits, is very important. Things that may seem insignificant, are pieces of a big puzzle called life. I want to encourage people to be more attentive to their well-being, improve every little item of it and become healthier, happier, and stronger. All of us deserve that. And I really hope that my work helps to make the world better.