How to Get Maximum Red Clover Benefits For Menopause

If you are actively seeking menopause relief from herbal remedies, you may have heard about Red clover, one of the most popular plants used in treatment of menopause issues. Do you know why it works, what side effects you should be cautious of, and the best way to benefit from it? By the end of this article, all these questions will be answered.

What Is It?

Red clover is a wild plant found in the fields, on roadsides and in open country, usually used for grazing animals. You can easily identify a red clover by its pink-purple flowers and 3-leaflet leaves with a white V mark in the center.

Traditionally, people used Red clover to treat whooping cough, respiratory problems and skin inflammations, thanks to its blood-purifying properties.

Red Clover Benefits

Scientists have found that Red clover contains isoflavones, a class of phytoestrogen that can produce estrogen-like effects in the body. Isoflavones are very helpful in treating menopausal conditions, such as hot flashes and depression. What’s more, studies have linked red clover to reduction of women’s health risks such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Soya foods also contain isoflavones. It is said that women in Japan and other eastern cultures experience far less hot flashes than those in the Western cultures, probably because they consume more soy products. However, red clover is a richer source of isoflavones compared to soy. On dry matter basis, 100 g of red clover contains 10 times more isoflavones than soy.

Side Effects

Farmers are aware that animals can become infertile after grazing on large amounts of red clover. Related studies have not been done on human beings. But you should always make sure you do not overdose on herbs, just like you would never take more than prescribed dosage of medicines.

Allergic reactions to red clover include headache, nausea, rash and diarrhea. In general, red clover has been listed as a ‘fairly safe’ herb to use, with ‘no serious adverse effects’, according to the National Institutes of Health (USA).

How to Benefit From Red Clover

You won’t be short of choices when you are shopping for red clover extracts. There are thousands of liquid extracts, pills, capsules, dried herbs that all contain the same thing ‘red clover’.

My advice is to buy a menopause supplement that contains a good amount of red clover, as well as other effective herbs. While red clover benefits mainly hot flashes symptoms, you can get extra relief from a blend of other herbs. Mostly used herbs include Dong quai, Chasteberry and Tribulus Terrestris.

When herbs are combined in a synergic way, they fit together to provide maximum menopause support. Many women report fantastic results from taking comprehensive herbal menopause supplements. Supplements with single ingredients target only specific menopausal symptoms.

At last, choosing a quality menopause supplement makes all the difference to your menopause experience. You may be surprised that some menopause supplements have been found with Lead contamination, while a surprisingly large numbers of supplements manufacturers are not GMP compliant.

If you are relying on herbal remedies for symptoms relief, it is vital that you pick a quality and effective supplement for menopause.

For more information and reviews on natural supplements for menopause, please visit my web site today.

Ruolan is an advocate and researcher on the benefits of all-natural supplements for menopausal symptoms. Visit her website to learn well-researched facts and her honest reviews on menopause supplements on the market.

Author's Bio: 

Ruolan is an advocate and researcher on the benefits of all-natural supplements for menopausal symptoms. Visit her website to learn well-researched facts and her honest reviews on menopause supplements on the market.