Worrying occurs when you allow your fear based beliefs to spiral out of control. Next, one fearful thought has escalated into a large number of thoughts that will have you believe something terrible is about to happen to you.

If you are anything like me, then you have done your fair share of worrying. I’ve had times when I would worry about almost everything, as if all events were somehow under my control.

Later in my life I noticed that worry was a big waste of my time and energy. Soon after, I began researching and implementing new ways to manage my worry.

At first I would put aside twenty to thirty minutes in the evening to allow myself to worry. This worked for me because my mind had certainty that it would be heard sometime in the evening.

The results were mixed though. Some nights it was a big release for me to allow my thoughts to surface so I could sort them out. Other nights though, I found my mind wanted to vent some more even though my body was ready for sleep.


How to Stop Worrying Action Plan

I transformed my worry into problem solving. Anxious thoughts are the mind’s way of dealing with perceived, potential future problems. Being worried is a habit that is fear-based. This is one of the reasons worrying is so damaging to the mind and body because it creates unease in the mind.

My plan now is to set aside thirty minutes every evening to problem solve instead of just worrying about problems. The problem solving approach is a more empowering feeling than worrying from my experience.

You can expect problems to arise during your day, and it is not always sensible to take a break from what you are doing and solve your problems right then and there.

What I suggest you do is write down things you can resolve later on a yellow legal pad. Then, in the evening  you can focus on answers to your challenges.

If you find yourself worrying, begin by asking yourself whether the problem is something you can actually solve. The following questions can help:


  • Could the issue be something you’re currently experiencing, and not a mythical what-if this actually happens?


  • If the issue is a mythical what-if, what is the probability that it will happen? Is it possible this perceived threat will happen to you?


  •  Is there anything you can do about the problem or get ready for it, or is it out of your control?


Worrying is a bad habit that you need to stop doing. It’s probable that worrying is a genetic trait and one of your parents were big worriers as well.


Will worrying create the things you are worrying about?

The answer is no. It’s in fashion to think that what you focus on you create in your life experience. Thoughts are the start of manifesting your reality, but you still have to get physically involved for it to happen in your life.

Many followers of the Law of Attraction get caught up in their efforts to watch and to stop themselves from thinking the “wrong” thoughts, saying the “wrong” things or saying things in the “wrong way.”

This process actually does the exact opposite of what the Law of Attraction teaches, which is how to create quicker manifestations. By continually monitoring your thoughts, words, and deeds, you are actually slowing down your ability to create the life you really want.

The Universe knows every underlying feeling that supports all the thoughts that run through your minds.

It’s your inner most feelings that are the strongest and not the chance ones. It’s your inner most needs that create waves of energy which can manifest into your physical experience.

The feeling of fear is a signal to let you know what you are thinking and who you really are, are not a match. Your negative emotions are just a signal to let you know that what you are thinking is not true.

Fear and caution isn’t the same thing. Caution is about being mindful of possible consequences. While fear is a state of being that will create nervousness, unnecessary drama, worry, and internal pressure.

Essentially for each and every worried, terrifying thought you have you are really asking for the opposite to occur. So get past the terrifying process and just ask directly for what you truly want to happen, and take action if possible.

When I notice my mind going in a direction I don’t want it to go, I stop immediately, and refocus it to where I want it to go and what I want to occur in my life.

Move past the belief that your thoughts create your reality for a while, and learn to have faith that the Universe always knows exactly what you need and want, because it does.

At the center of all worry and fear is an issue with trust and trusting what is going on in your life. The truth is that at every moment of everyday life is unfolding exactly as it is meant to.

Everything you want is on the other side of your fear and worry.

Author's Bio: 

Justin Mazza is a blogger who has committed himself to being a life-long student and teacher of personal and spiritual growth. He began his personal development journey back in 1997 and has since read over 700 books about personal growth.

Justin is also the creator of Mazzastick.com a site dedicated to personal development and achievement.