Weight loss is hard, but with these tips you will have no problems losing more than 2 pounds of fat a week. If you want to look great in beach by next summer, follow these tips.

The most easiest way how to lose fat is to eat less. Average maintenance for woman is 2000 calories a day, but for man it is 2500 calories. If you want to lose fat fast, you should have 600-700 calorie deficit everyday. So if you don't exercise and are woman, you shouldn't eat more 1400 calories a day. It doesn't matter what you eat, as long as you eat at least 600 calories below your maintenance calories, you are going to lose lots of fat. If you want, you can eat cheeseburgers, pizzas and other snacks all day long as long as you have at least 600 calorie deficit. Though you are going to experience even better results if you have high protein/low fat/low carbohydrates diet. Most of carbohydrates will turn into fat if you don't exercise, and it's obvious why we don't want to eat fat. Also, protein will make you feel full longer than foods who contain lots of carbohydrates or fats.

Very common but huge mistake people make is that they are dehydrated all the time. You should drink at least 1 gallon of water a day to stay hydrated. You might think that it is okay to drink water when you feel thirst, but it's not. When you feel thirst, it's a sign that you are already dehydrated. For successful fat loss you shouldn't drink any other liquid than water. There is one exception though. A cup of coffee in the morning will increase metabolism due to carbohydrates and fiber.

Another way to lose fat fast is to exercise. Exercises like running and high intensity bicycling can burn up to 700 calories in half an hour, which is equivalent to 0.2lbs of fat. If you run everyday for one hour, you can burn up to 3 pounds of fat a week. If you are not fit enough to run, you can also do low intensity bicycling or walk for few hours a day, it will burns lots of calories too. Try to carry extra weight everyday with you, this way you are going to burn more calories.

If you are doing low carbohydrate diet, you should do one or two cheat meals a week. A good cheat meal would be food that contains lots of carbohydrates, like pizza, cake or rice. It will improve your metabolism.

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John Smith, check out his article about diesel exhaust tips.