Toddlers and little kids do not know what’s right for them and what’s safe. They are still in their growing and exploring age. Children love to play outside on swings and this is good for their mental and physical development and growth. Parents and elders should encourage their kids to go outside and play. However, it’s also important to ensure that the kids are safe and playing under an adult’s supervision. Many a times children do not know which is the age appropriate game or swing for them and they might feel like experimenting. While there is no harm in this but they should be supervised so that they don’t hurt themselves. Although it’s quite natural for children to fall and hurt themselves with minor bruises or cuts, in their childhood, there are few steps that are important to take to ensure that they don’t hurt themselves too bad or seriously. Keep the following points in mind to make your children’s play area, a safe place for them.

Age Appropriate Swings:

It is very important to ensure that the the swings in the play area are age appropriate and enjoyable by the kids. When buying equipment for the play area make sure you check the age for that equipment. There’s no point in buying equipment that is not meant for your child’s age. They might end up hurting themselves and moreover might not even be interested in the equipment because at their age it might not attract them. If there’s a diverse age group of children who all use the same, common play area, then try to make separate sections for different age groups and place the age appropriate equipment in each age section. Also make sure when your child is using a certain equipment that their weight and height is apt for them to use a particular equipment. This is to ensure that they don’t fall off and hurt themselves while using a certain swing or equipment in the play area.

2. Safe Ground and Surroundings:

The ground of the play area needs to be soft and safe in case the child falls. Grass or wet pour rubber can do the job for you. A hard surface or ground is an absolute no, because this might injure the child more if he/ she falls on the ground. While injuries on the knees or elbows due to a hard surface are still not that serious, but an injury on the face or the head could be very serious. So the surface beneath needs to be very mild. For this you can either opt for a sand filled surface or a wet pour rubber which is anti- slippery, impact absorbent surface which makes it quite safe for kids to play on. It is very popularly used in playground and exercise areas. You can also opt for grass but grass might still be a little more risky than other alternatives.

3. Supervise Your Children:

At the end of the day they are children and need guidance and supervision. In the play area or any public area, there should be an adult supervising the children at all times. This is to ensure that they do not indulge in any risky activity, do not hurt themselves too much and in case of an injury, they can get immediate help. An adult is also required to teach them how to use swings and playing equipment properly. So make sure you are watching your kids carefully while they are having a good time because they are still learning and may not know about everything they see around themselves.


These are some tips for you to keep in mind while your child laughs and has a good time in the playground. To keep the play area a safe and happy place for your kids, you can afford to take certain measures of safety as their parents. So go ahead and analyse whether your child’s play area is safe and age appropriate for your kid.

Author's Bio: 

Caitlyn Bell is an Arts student whose experiences in life make her really tougher than anyone else. She can lend you expert tips on diverse topics ranging from relationship to fashion, making money, health and so on. Her write-ups are a window into her thoughts and knowledge.