Have you ever been in a social situation where you felt like you just didn't belong or fit in? Have you ever felt anxious while asking one of your closest friends to hang out? Do want to know how to overcome anxiety, but just don't know where to start, or what anxiety even really is?

As an anxiety expert, I have taught many different people how to overcome anxiety and they all say that it's the most valuable thing they've ever done in their lives. Knowing how to overcome anxiety can be the difference between a mediocre life, living in fear and having the life you've always wanted.

Before teaching you how to overcome anxiety by giving you a very simple, easy to use tool, I want to explain to you what anxiety actually is.

Your brain is a highly developed organ. It allows you to be conscious, it regulates your heart rate and your breathing. It allows you to move your body and store information.

Your brain is also an idiot. Though it's very good at keeping you alive, your brain has trouble differentiating between what is real and what is not.

Imagine cooking a hamburger. Imagine putting the meat on the grill and hearing it sizzling. Imagine the smell and the taste. You have more saliva right now. Even though you were just imagining a hamburger, your brain responded as if the hamburger was actually there.

The same goes for anxiety. You're in a situation and you imagine what could go wrong. Your brain responds to that imagination as if it were real and releases fight-or-flight chemicals into your body. That's what is making you feel nervous and anxious.

So how do we stop this progress? Stop thinking about the worst thing that could happen. This answer is simple, but it's not easy.

I want you do not think of a tree. Now I don't want you to think about a polar bear. What are you thinking of? Your brain also has trouble processing negatives, making it impossible not to think of something after being told not to think of it.

Now I want you to think about a thee cup. Were you thinking about a microwave? I'm guessing you didn't.

Whenever you are in a situation that usually makes you anxious, think about the best thing that could happen. Don't wait until you actually start feeling anxious, because then it's too late.

When you arrive at a party, don't think about not being able to fit in, think about having lots of interesting conversations and being the life of the party. Your brain will than make it real for you and you will start to feel really good.

Even though this technique sounds really simple, learning how to overcome anxiety does take some practice. Learning how to overcome anxiety doesn't happen overnight or after just reading one article.

There are more great tools on how to overcome anxiety just like this one, found all over the internet. One website I suggest you take a look at is hurdlefear.com

Click here to visit HurdleFear.com

Author's Bio: 

Chris D White is a former sufferer and an expert on anxiety, fear and panic attacks. He hosts a website on how to overcome anxiety and how to overcome fear. Chris also recommends this website on stopping panic attacks.