The smile is the light of your face; it opens many doors and creates positive attitudes that will smooth your way for others. Smiling greatly improves your physical attractiveness and produces a devastating effect in the opposite sex ;)

The smile helps your immune system; physical and mental suffering decreases. It helps your brain to produce more serotonin and endorphins, providing happiness.

But who does not want to have a beautiful smile? To get a beautiful and healthy smile needs some care and continuous attention.

For the teeth, we already know that brushing is essential after meals, at least during 3 minutes. Combine it with floss and a mouthwash to finish. Some natural tips are as simple as avoiding eating sweets and sugary drinks and eating a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

If you would like to take care of your smile in a natural way, we can suggest you the following preparations:

NATURAL TOOTHPASTE: Mix in half a glass warm water with a tablespoon of sea salt and fine green clay until you get a smooth paste. You can keep it in a sealed glass jar in the fridge and use it as toothpaste daily. To make it more disinfectant, you can make it with infusion of thyme or add 20 drops of Echinacea extract.

SAGE: This is an herb with powerful disinfectants properties that activates blood circulation in you gums. You can use the infusion of the leaves boiled for 15 minutes or two drops of essential oil in a glass of water to rinse.

CLOVE AND CINNAMON: The essential oils of these exotic plants are the most effective natural remedy for toothache or sore teeth. You use two drops (one for each plant) and with the help of a rod or finger scrub the teeth two or three times a day.

TEA TREE OIL: Ground antiseptic, healing and antibacterial, healing of sores, ulcers, boils and fungi in the oral mucosa. Cab be applied directly or as mouthwash one to three times a day using two drops of essential oil at a time.

BLACK TEA: Also for mouth sores, boil some water in a bag of black tea, and when the water is warm, rinse your mouth with the liquid a few minutes.

BLUEBERRIES: Chewing Blueberries helps fight the spread of germs and heal mouth.

ROSEMARY: Pout dried rosemary in a pint of boiling water and let stand 10 minutes over low heat. Rinse your mouth for 5 minutes every 4 hours until the pain subsides and the swelling.

Although proper hygiene, we can suffer from bad breath, and you do not want to miss a long, juicy kiss, right? Here are some nature trails that would extend the duration of the kisses ;)

MINT AND FENNEL: Gargle with peppermint and fennel to complement natural mouthwash

CELERY: Chew raw celery to freshen breath
MILK THISTLE: One of the most important herbal tonics for the liver, helps restore the bile production and digestion, helping to eliminate toxins from the body and digestive tract.

MINT MOUTHWASH: ¼ cup water in a bowl, add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. Mix and dissolve completely and add a drop of mint oil (peppermint). After washing, rinse thoroughly.

And nothing better than a bright white smile. Some natural remedies that will help whiten your teeth:

APPLE & CELERY: Eating apples or celery sticks green, caring your teeth and gums.

STRAWBERRIES: The strawberry pulp helps remove stains. Shreds some strawberries and extend the pulp with toothbrush from the gums to teeth gently. Rinse with warm water with a pinch of baking soda.

CINNAMON: Mix two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and some salt. Add water to the mixture until gets a smooth paste. Rub your teeth with it daily, and, gradually, you will see its effects in your smile.

HORSETAIL: This herb is beneficial, especially for nicotine
stains. We can rinse daily with its infusion to keep white teeth and nicotine stains away. Of course, ideally you should avoid caffeine and cigarettes.
In addition, the intake of foods rich in fiber integral, and those involving a slow chewing, will keep your gums and teeth much whiter.

Last but not least, it was time to your lips. Rub with a slice of AVOCAD, adding natural moisture and making them more attractive. And to smooth, cover with a thin layer of honey and leave on for 30 minutes. Remove with a good smacking of tongue!

Lip prone to dry, we recommend rub with a soft brush to activate blood circulation and remove any dead cells.
To restore the smoothness of your lips, you can make your own night mask, it is very easy : Olive oil + Honey / Mix the ingredients / Spread the mixture on your lips / Leave it all night / Rinse the next day

Are you ready to receive many KISSES?

Author's Bio: 

Veronica has worked in marketing, MICE and tourism over the past ten years. Her greatest passion is traveling, and one of those trips brought her to Bali. From the moment she set foot on the island, her life took a 180 degree turn, this place caught her heart. During your stay in Bali, she will guide you in finding the secrets and magical places in Bali.

She also consults and assists with recipes and marketing to Zen Garden, a small café in Seminyak that propose a natural and fresh ambiance and food.

For the last two years, she promotes Body & Mind Retreat, part of a tour operator with more than 10 years experiences organizing adventures trips in Indonesia.

She has helped already many group leaders and visitors to maximize their retreat programs: yoga, meditation, detox, healthy lifestyle, spirituality, coaching, sufi, dancing, wellness oriented convention, etc. Whatever is your preferred theme, she will do her best to get the ideal location and services to create a unique event.

For group leaders that want to concentrate on their retreat and their participants, she can take care of the details and help to make it easy.