A lot of people out there today don't know what to do to keep a breakup from happening. You got to agree that it's not easy to prevent a breakup from occurring. Schools don't provide classes on how to have great and meaningful relationships. I'm getting off topic here..but these are the most common mistakes women make that begins the fraying of their relationship.

First, have faith in him. Understand that most of the things people say is subconscious. If you are having problems in your relationship, or even broke up, just know there is a great chance he still loves you. Rather than just focusing on the words he is saying, pay attention to what he does too. He might have already left you but it doesn't necessarily mean things are finished.

I know it may feel like it's really over, but chances are he still cares for you. There is a good possibility he doesn't want to end things with you. You can always heal the hurt caused in the past and start new. The first wrong mistake you can make is believing that it's over.

This leads to the second mistake a lot women make. If you truly believe that the relationship is finished, you will feel terrible. Heartache, betrayal and misery are just a few of the emotions you might feel. You may have a difficult time falling asleep, spiral downward into a depression, and burst into tears listening to radio.

When you're in this state of misery, the last thing you meed to do is contact your ex. If you do contact him, you are most likely going to send him a long email about how he tore your heart into pieces or you might call and text him constantly . Doing all this will not help you from preventing a breakup, it will make things worse.

Avoid this behavior. Seriously, don't do this. Contacting him will only make him run the other way. The reason why some relationships aren't successful is because one person is frustrated with how things are going and needs some time and space to figure out what they want. What he needs is space and you aren't giving him the space he needs to breathe. His first reaction is to withdrawal from you. This is the last thing you want to happen. Give him that extra breathing room so he can contemplate about what he wants. You might be surprise about the positive outcome you'll get by just giving him the space he needs. By just giving him the space he wants, he might realize how important you are in his life.

These are the top two mistakes my friends make when they are having problems in their love life. Don't forget, chances are he still loves you, even if he doesn't say it. Don't push him away by harassing or pestering him. Follow these two steps and you can be well on your way in preventing a breakup.

Author's Bio: 

Sarah Scott was dumped by her boyfriend while studying abroad in Italy. When she returned home to the United States, she studied the secrets on how to get your ex back. Now she enjoys helping others save their relationships.

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