High blood pressure is a silent killer. If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from high blood pressure, you will have to change your lifestyle to keep it under control.
You must visit your doctor and continue take the medicines that he prescribes from time to time.
Apart from taking medications under the prescriptions of the doctor, you can keep your high blood pressure using some simple and natural methods. Some of these are:
• Supplement your diet with magnesium, calcium and potassium rich foods. They are miracle minerals and can help reduce your blood pressure very quickly.
• Garlic is rich in medicinal qualities. It has been used since ancient times to benefit the heart, purify the blood and lower the cholesterol. Allicin, a vital ingredient in garlic is known to naturally lower high blood pressure. People who cannot eat raw garlic because of its strong smell can take in the form of garlic capsules, which are non-odorous.
• Take green and leafy vegetables in abundant measure. These vegetables contain folic acid which reduces homocysteine levels in the blood, lowers high blood pressure and the risk of heart diseases.
• Take apple cider vinegar. It is rich in vital vitamins such as C, A, E, B1, B2 and B6, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and copper.
• Destress yourself as much as possible. One reason why most people suffer from high blood pressure is tension. You may take any amount of medicines, vitamins and minerals, yet nothing is going to help you if you remain worried and tense. So relieve your tension. Do yoga and meditation and breathing exercises, also called pranayam, regularly. Read some inspirational books.
• Eat water-soluble fibrous foods, fruits and vegetables. Fibers will flush out all types of toxins, fats and plaque from your system. Take whole grain foods and breads.

Author's Bio: 

Pragya Katariya is a content writer and marketing specialist with over 10 years experience covering a wide variety of subjects, from producing articles for print and online media to writing copy for brochures, newsletters and web copy in clear, concise language. . Please visit her website http://www.oceanbluecommunications.com/
for your content writing needs.