Joy is what our Creator wants and intended for us—it's our right of birth. Joy is definitely what we want from life. Being joyful is a great and fantastic business. Happy and enthusiastic individuals produce more. And it does not take a lot of your time or cost a bunch of dollars. Being joyful changes and transforms the way we see work or our attitude towards work. Whenever there is gladness at the workplace, I will come early but stay late willingly. When there is happiness at work, I will bring it home. Yes sure, I would like a raise—who wouldn’t? But I am certainly not going down the street to get it if it means risking my happiness.

So how can we have Joy? We can actually reconnect with joy. We have to reactivate the associations and connections in our mind where memories of happiness live. It actually means reconnecting with happiness in your work or business through the years. See and experience happiness around you. It's just like when we buy a brand new car, all of a sudden, we see them everywhere! Once you awaken, animate and enliven your old joys, you just can’t help it but see the delight today, tomorrow and forever at work. Influence happiness and gladness. Now that we see, feel and experience bliss in us, we naturally would want to experiment with it so it comes around more often than not, lasts longer and spreads like wildfire to those around us.

That involves cute and little experiments that go along with happiness. I recently read a book (I forgot the title) and it provides essays and stories about the author’s early experiences with work—good or bad, some about grunt work, about boring work and the author point out the very gladness and positivity he found there. His own stories make you think about stories of your own and how to find gladness and shares his tales about how he tried influencing happiness at his workplace. Some of them worked—while some did not. As I began to read his experiments with joy progressing, I began to create and develop my very own ideas on how to make an impact of gladness at my own work.

What is it about Joy-- you could have joy now. We do not have to wait for our day off, the weekend, our vacation or for the holidays: we could have happiness now! It is a choice—you have the sole power to make it happen. We go around everyday doing and buying just to get that elusive joy. When what is really called for is choosing. You do not even have to win the lotto or wait for it to be bestowed upon you by other people. Joy abounds everywhere around us—it is present in the air that we breathe, ready and ripe for the picking like a red juicy apple off a tree.

Most wonderful of all, we can instantly create it and it is contagious and infectious to boot!

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this “Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You” is available at