What is the destiny that awaits each of us? Do we really want to know?

All of us want to look forward to the prospect of a life that’s new and exciting. When we’re hurting, we want to know when there will be a brighter day. We all want to believe in a future that is better than the life we are living right now, as if that would make us happier and more content.

But aren’t we far better off focusing on the present moment where our choices exist, rather than the unknown future? The only moment we have control over is this moment. What we do today determines what our life holds tomorrow. We can’t change the future or the past because they are intangible, but we can impact the present.

Only from today’s vantage point can we even remotely see what our life will be from this moment forward, and that projection is based on never making another decision or change that will alter the course of our life. We never know what lies ahead.

Our lives in this world have been strategically designed so that we will not know what our future holds. We are here to reach goals that we can only achieve by interacting in a fallible world. Everyone’s destiny holds adversity and challenge. How we cope with the challenges that lie ahead depends on how well we learn from our past experiences and our level of awareness as we walk through life.

The miracle of life is that we do not know how our story ends. But we CAN plant seeds today for the future we desire and we CAN find comfort in our hopes for tomorrow.

Love Always,

Please visit my website http://www.randigfine.com to learn more about my compelling new memoir, FINE...LY: MY STORY OF HOPE, LOVE, AND DESTINY.

Author's Bio: 

Randi Fine is a native of Baltimore, Maryland who has been living in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida since 2005. She has two adult children: a beautiful daughter and a handsome son, and she has been married to a wonderful man for 22 years.

Her lifetime thirst for artistic, creative expression led her in 2008 to the challenge of writing her memoir, Fine…ly: My Story of Hope, Love, and Destiny. During the two year process of navigating through the unfamiliar waters of authorship, she discovered for the first time that she truly had a passion for writing. She now devotes herself to writing full-time from her home. By sharing her wealth of experiences, insights, and lessons, she aspires to offer hope, compassion, and understanding to those who searching for answers.

Love Your Life, is a journal that she writes to connect with others who share in her mission of spreading light, love, and healing to the world. Her blog talk-radio show is called, A Fine Time for Healing: A Sanctuary for Your Emotional Wellbeing. She discuss self-help and spiritual life-skill topics that will heal and enhance the life experiences of others. http://my.blogtalkradio.com/randi-fine

She is a deeply spiritual person, following an enlightened path of her own design. It is a connection that she faithfully trusts to guide her in every aspect of her life.