I bet you’ve heard of the following conditions and diseases: high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, heart disease/atherosclerosis, stroke, overweight/obesity, metabolic syndrome, type-2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, cancer, plus wrinkles, ED and more!

And when these conditions and diseases turn up, I often hear people bring up their family history/genetics, normal aging, or both.

The surprise is that all of these conditions and diseases are strongly influenced by lifestyle choices. The wrong foods (those lacking a balance of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants), and lack of activity are the real basis of declining health!

Many experts agree that health is mostly due to the choices people make rather than genetics or family history; the choices you make each day are significant drivers of your health issues (about 70% of our health status is a result of our lifestyle choices as we get above 35 or 40). Even if genetics contributes to our health, you can’t change your genetics. What you can change is what you eat, how often, and how active you are!

Refined Carbs and Inactivity the Basis of Disease?

Let’s look at what happens when we eat common snacks or foods, such as chips, fries/fried foods, snack cakes, candy bars, white/refined or flavored crackers, cookies, soda/sugary drinks, and ice cream. (I also include white carbs: potatoes, bread, rice, biscuits, and well-cooked pasta).

These foods digest quickly because they are high-glycemic (or sugar-like) foods. They cause a spike in blood sugar and glucose levels climb too high. We secrete insulin to bring the levels down (if the pancreas is still able to). Did you know that high glucose levels are toxic to many tissues and organs? High-glucose levels irritate and inflame arteries, stress the pancreas (insulin-producing cells can die), the liver (which gets fatty from glucose storage), the brain, and more! These foods can increase oxidative stress and inflammation which can spread. And they bring down your energy!

The addictive quality of these carbs (often including salt and unhealthy fats) cause us to crave more. The damage becomes chronic over time. Other processed foods are also part of this problem, from ketchup and barbecue sauce to salad dressings and so-called “low-fat” foods. These foods are common in our diets because sugar, refined carbs and high-fructose corn syrup are everywhere in manufactured foods! Convenient but toxic in the amounts we are consuming (about 150 pounds per year)!

Many studies relate weight gain/obesity, high LDL cholesterol, heart disease, high BP, and cancer to high-glucose food consumption. What’s worse is that the spikes and drops of blood sugar cause hormonal and energy problems and we feel less motivated to be active when our energy is low. Less activity means glucose levels stay higher (adding to weight gain), so being inactive/not exercising contributes significantly to declining health and chronic disease.

Less is More With Age!

As we age, our ability to metabolize processed foods decreases, especially if we are less active. The solution is to simplify our food choices using more nutritionally-balanced, whole foods. Good choices are lean meats, fatty fish (for omega-3 fats), soy beans and tofu, eggs and egg whites, nuts, veggies and greens, olives, avocados, beans, legumes, whole fruits, moderate amounts of healthy fats (olive oil and omega-3 fats), and light amounts of dairy (milk, cheese, etc.).

Avoid all hydrogenated oils/trans fats (read label and ingredients, they are very common), processed meats (with nitrites, they are everywhere too), and only have red meat a few times per week.

More nutritionally balanced foods like those suggested above will keep your blood sugar more level, especially if you have smaller meals every 3-4 hours (that’s why non-carb snacks are important). That will help to balance your blood sugar all day long. Your energy will climb and you will feel better. We are made to move, not slump in a recliner for hours at a time! Our bodies suffer when we become inactive, including emotionally!

The Choice is Yours!

It’s no longer a question of whether our lifestyle choices are contributing to, or causing most of the health conditions and chronic diseases we face today. Most health experts agree: they do.

Why not decide to feel better today? It’s easier than you think! Just make one small change every week or two. Start by switching to non-carb snacks, and begin to work in light activity as you go. Increased activity gets the body moving which can help burn excess glucose and keep muscles leaner and organs more healthy. Build on things you like to do already (biking, walking, dancing, swimming, gardening, etc.). You’ll feel more like a well-tuned engine in a few weeks. Start with 10-15 minutes and work toward 15-30 minutes 4-5 times per week when you can.

Find an affordable coach or trainer to help guide your choices. Soon, you’ll understand how easy it is to revitalize your health, your energy, and your life! You’ll wonder why you waited!

For more information, see:




© 2011 by S. Carney/Quick Start Your Health Plan

Author's Bio: 


I’ve been passionate about health, diet and nutritional supplements for 20 years because of a childhood illness. It was a great lesson in what happens when you lose your health. I faced additional health problems over time, including weight, blood sugar, and thyroid issues. I’ve healed from all of these problems, using a natural approach with no drugs or surgeries.

I’m a Certified Nutrition Coach (with an emphasis on stabilizing blood sugar, healthy food choices, and fitness). My approach is to make the areas of weight and health easy and fun for those interested in improving their current health status.